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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Walking Furniture

Let's see if I can push through the nausea to write one post that has a lot in a short amount of time.

Let's get it started... in here. (Sorry, couldn't help myself.)

I went to the movies yesterday with Todd and Jaccob. We went to see Looper (I love saying that in a french accent). It was pretty bad. Don't get me wrong, I liked a lot of aspect that I won't dive into. Of course, I called out that it would be bad since the trailer, but the guys seemed to enjoy it, the trailer I mean.. Told you so. It was such a manly movie though.
Manly, Heather? How can you even fucking say that when you, yourself, are trying to blur the lines of gender?
My definition of "manly themes" are as follows:
1. Boob shots for the sake of having breasts.
2. Guns. No need to shoot of a gun sometimes, or hold one, but it's there and it's fun so why not?
3. Explosions. Hell yes. I like this one for the sake of liking it.
4. Drugs. A cool idea for drugs but I want to know if the person would eventually become blind.
5. Falling in love with that woman who lets you fuck her ass, but nurses your addict ass back to health.
6. The idea that women weren't cool enough to have simple action scenes.
7. Cool cars. The definition of cool here is loose, very loose (like the women).
8. Long, sweeping coats. Check.
9. Women stereotyping in general: very mom-esque (caring, loving, willing to stroke your hair then null the prostitution contract).
10. And one old man that all the other boys look up to because he's so calm in such a big position of power.

But the fun didn't stop there.
We went to Steak-n-Shake where the table beside us had older, late twenties, guys. One kind of did this snarling howl at a college girl walking by. There was some tension in the air, mostly because it was awkward and discomforting.
And our waiter sucked. Which was understandable because there were two and the whole restaurant was packed with sororities and fraternities (if they weren't, God shoot me down now). But, when we were all checking out I made a comment that I wasn't going to tip because he did suck. Yes, I've been a waitress, but damn. Then, as Todd walked out, Jaccob loudly said, "Heather, aren't you going to tip?!"
He said it was payback because I ruined an ending to one of his stories he had to tell Todd. Jaccob didn't get his guy time. Ha, Jaccob, ha.
Then Todd invited us back to his place.

We all talked for an hour and then Todd wanted to go crash for the night. We waited and then Jaccob turned to me and said, "Do you want to rearrange Todd's house?"
There were a few things I learned that night:
1. Jaccob can't carry furniture. He was fucking picking up the kitchen table by the legs. Holding the legs when it was upside down. Jesus, his furniture must be wobbly.
"Jaccob, pick it up from the bottom."
"Why? The legs have screws."
"They have a fucking weight limit, Jaccob."
"They're doing fine."
"Oh my god, just rest it down and pick it up from the bottom."
We put it down and then....
"Don't pick it up by the legs again!"
It was a looper moment.
2. I don't know how Todd got his couch in the den because we couldn't fit it through the doorway. We tried to wedge it but we gave up and pretty quickly too.
3. That with enough board games stacked on one another the boxes start to give.
4. Jaccob can't stack kid chairs.
5. Todd's house has a lot of shelving.
6. That I'm not really a bitch because I wouldn't rearrange DVD discs to different cases.
All in all, a very enlightening experience.
And we just ended up putting the kitchen table and chairs into the den, turning the couch around and stacking whatever you see in the picture below.
Then we stood and talked. I mentioned something about running. Jaccob mentioned that I just run on a treadmill. I said, "Well, I sweat in odd places so I don't want to go outside."
There was a slightly longer pause before he said, "But if you don't have like a giant," he took his hand and made a giant circle around his crotch, "sweat stain here that looks like you're peeing..."
I cut him off, "Uh, I wasn't talking about my vagina."
He said something else that related to my nether-regions and I told him that wasn't the direction at all.
It ended up with him telling me to run in a tank top since the way my shirt lays, it just looks like my shoulder-blades sweat. Quite embarrassing. I do, but I have a thing for tank tops so I don't buy any that I could ruin. So I have to buy some.

The other morning it was raining. Everyone has their windows up, so I figured I could actually listen to my radio as loud as I wanted so I wouldn't get as many stoplight comments. I was wrong. Sort of.
I was playing Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden at a stop light. Now, I pulled up making sure both the two cars on both sides of me had their windows up. They did. It was just playing and I look around to see what traffic was doing and I noticed that the van beside me had rolled down his window.
I looked at the guy and he was leaning upward to meet my stare and just nodding with the music. He started to open his mouth.
All I could do was do my side-grin and look away.
That man looked like he knew his way around a needle (I told that exact description to two people, ha).
People think it's rare, but for me, these little moments, and more, happen whenever I have my music loud. It's annoying.

Her description was just funny. And that's me sick all day. My hair is awesome.

When I say sick, I mean sick of you all.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pocket Porn

So, Todd, Jaccob, and I were all talking about porn or something. He then brought up this porn star named Megan Foxx (see, extra x, for xxxxtra raunchy-ness). So, I challenged him to look her up for me on his little laptop. Which he did. And this, my little audience, is where this conversation ensues about porn sites where we all prefer our porn:
Jaccob - Don't you have porn sites you go to?
Me - Uh, yeah. Just not their direct websites. I go to xvideos, pornhub, youporn, etc... Oh, I used to love Megaporn before they put it on timed video.
Todd and Jake - *weird ass looks*
Me - Yeah, you only had thirty minutes intervals....
Jaccob - How's that a problem?
Me - Well, because....
Todd and Jaccob - *laughing hysterically*
And then I got it. Guys don't need long apparently. Moving yet informational. They don't like buildup apparently. Thank you, Jaccob, for making it all clear for me, and how it takes him.

I was at Todd's yesterday night, the other night, some night, there we go.
I asked Malachai how his school day went. He replied, "Talking in the hallway."
I went silent, mostly because I don't know how I was supposed to translate that.
Todd walked by and said, "Son, when someone asks you that, you don't have to reply what you got in trouble for..."

Then we were all playing the card game Poo. Its theme is monkeys tossing around their feces (How is that really so different than the other times they're hanging out with each other? It's not.), so, yeah. Anyway.
Todd asked who would want to go first. I voted for the oldest guy to go first out of me, Jaccob, and Malachai. The boy then directly said, "And then you're the second oldest!"
Jaccob yelled, "OOOOOOHHHHHH!"
What impresses me is that Malachai knew my age.

The same night Alura, Todd's wife, decided to buy a scooter. I am insanely jealous. He did let us ride it. Well, let me correct myself. He was going to let us take turns riding it, but I chickened the fuck out and decided to watch Jaccob. Then Todd peer pressured me to ride on the back as he drove it.
Please don't judge me when I say I chickened out.
I've backed up into both of my father's trucks - I don't have a clean record.
However, I loved it. The body is so exposed to the elements and the ignorant while riding/driving the scooter. Such a thrill (you decide if I was sarcastic or not).
On a side note, Todd sucked at curves.

Me: I don't do sleep overs. I suck at them. Every single one is a horrible experience.
Todd: You might want to rethink that second sentence. "I suck at them."
Me: You're funny.
Todd: I kill me.
Me: Not fast enough apparently.
Todd: I want to watch me suffer.

On another side note, it's the left side and the left side is outta here.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Propane Tank Submarine

Just a quickie, but I have to share this.

So this guy in my Bio Lab came off as a complete selfish dick. He honestly did. Confidence is hard to handle, I know. But, today, he shared something with our group that made us all literally ask, "Why have you never shown this before?"

He's the guy in the black hat.
His name is Andy.
He, his father, and a family friend built this for shits and giggles.
We were all fucking blown away.
I asked if he ever took dates in it. He laughed, but it was a serious question. All three of us girls agreed that would be a kickass first date. What we didn't share is that is a sure fire way to get laid... And in a submarine too.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


So, a dorky mom was in the men's section and was looking at the "funny" graphic tees. One of them had a potato looking surprised at a thing of fries. In a bubble above the vegetable's head, it read, "Is that you, bro?"
She laughed and the son asked for an explanation.
She said, "Because the fries used to be its brother."
It took me a bit because I wondered why this woman would give more backstory to a caption that deserves no other thought. Then it hit me, like a sack of fucking potatoes: She thought "Bro" literally means brother, and no other connotations other than that - just an abbreviation for brother. I was thinking, "Damn, I don't want to be that lame."
Too bad I will be.
And too bad I can't wait to be.

(Before I get to the actual background of this picture, I would like to give a conversation that happened five minutes ago for this said background:
Me - Mom! How old was I when I bought that Harry Potter wand?
Mom - Uh, 13 or 14.
Me - *pause* Uh, I wasn't that old.
Mom - *slowly smiles and then starts laughing* Oh, yes you were.
Me - I was not! No way I was that old and bought that. *starts to walk away*
Mom - Stop being in denial, you were... Because we made you a Harry Potter cake for your birthday in your Freshman year.
Me - Oh yeah! *runs back to the kitchen* And my friend was like, "Really, Heather, really?")
So the wand (see above) I bought when I was in my early teens. As I walked through Barnes and Noble the other day I noticed that they just had boxes of them sitting on the HP focal. Made me reminisce. So then I realized I had bought one, went home, asked my sister where it was - she got it. I then took a pic (see above) and here we are.
When my sister handed it to me, she gave me a story:
Amanda - I hated it. You began tapping my knee with it, saying, "Crucio!" When you realized it wasn't doing anything, you started to jab my knee and scream, "CRUCIO!"
Me - *laughs* Man, I'm awesome.
Amanda - Then I wrestled it from you and stabbed you with it while yelling, "AVADA KEDAVRA!"
Me - I'm still awesome.
Amanda - Then mom came in and yelled at both of us to stop before we hurt one another.
Ahhh, a story with double meaning at the end.

Okay, now that's out of the way....
I was watching Beauty and the Beast for the millionth time in my life the other night (right before Micheru and I began talking about it) and I had a thought...
Now, if all the servants were changed into a piece of equipment by their corresponding chore then who emptied the chamber pot?
Belle certainly didn't empty it herself.
So, I'm guessing that the poor bastard who did empty it was changed into one. Can you imagine someone shitting IN you for the entire magical lifespan? 
And think about the Beast's shit. Imagine how big and frightful that must've been. Of course, he was an animal, so he probably scratched and sniffed outside. Which brings me to that Belle really must've loved him because she probably walked outside on that a couple of times. Love overcomes any hurdle, shit, a massive pile of feces that a shovel would have to get up and scoot out of the way in the yard.

Speaking of Disney....
My sister has these stickers... Now, what's funny is, I don't know how she has these stickers. So, I come home and I see Pluto's head with that note. It's still there because it's fucking adorable. She handed me Dumbo the other day, it's on a notebook beside me.
 And speaking of more Disney....

I'm done and have homework.
c wut u bitches doo 2 me?

Friday, September 21, 2012

Eating Nuts For Breakfast

It's been a boring past week. Honestly has.
I have been doing nothing but school work and actual slave labor at my retail job. Everyone is gearing up for the holidays while I am barreling down the shameful anger and remorse that comes with facing said holidays.

Jaccob and I were texting:
Jaccob: (V)_(*,,,*)_(V)
Me: Ha Zoidberg (of course fucking autocorrect made it: Zooid Berg).
Jaccob: Damn Skippy
Me - Peanut butter?
Jaccob: With nuts for your pleasure.
Me - Nice.
Jaccob: I would say they are.
Me - Nuts? Yeah, very healthy.

So, today, I went to Barnes and Noble to give Becky knitting lessons on this hat she wants to make.
Me *to Fallon* - Do they give you Latin names in Latin class?
Fallon - No?
Me - So they don't call you Fallonus?
Becky only laughs.
(Becky, you did wonderfully today, by the way.)

And then Fallon reminded me of a text we had sent each other a few days ago. And, folks, as she reminded me, she guiltily said, "And I was wondering if it was blog material." Since she sounded as desperate as Alan, Todd, and Jaccob, I decided to put it up:

Her rain jacket is a very bright purple, what she said is the truth.
(I just loosely quoted Ever After.)

So, there's this girl from Japanese class that I met. Her name is Micheru (I will and am giving the Japanese pronunciation). She's cool, we're cool.
We've had conversations about Kingdom Hearts, feminism in Disney movies, pumpkin carving activities, andddddd Japanese of course.
And her hair is very, very long.
While talking to her as we walked to our cars, I didn't look both ways (as Barney had once taught me in sing-a-longs) and I was nearly run over by some jackass that can't let pedestrians cross. Maybe it was my fault; I admit nothing. Looking back, some dude did honk to warn me, but I was already in the middle of the road before I noticed so I didn't give a shit and continued.
Shoulders back and head held high.

I failed my first test ever in college... My fourth semester in too. Seems too surreal to be real. Time to barrel down the hatches and fucking walk the plank to tutoring sessions. Don't forget to have homework give me the hook to remain at my desk, studying the waves of education.
(I tried as many pirate puns as possible, but I think they came out forced.)

Oh, to make Todd sound even more desperate, he said that feminist are femineedy.
He said that was blog material.
I'm about to put this shit in a  hat and draw it out. According to people saying this, my life is so funny and interesting that I need to record every detail.

Today, I took two shits and gave none away.


Sunday, September 16, 2012


Saturday was pretty okay.
I went to work where the ad was easy (because I'm too smart for it, really).
Got off, went to run but the treadmill kept fucking with the breakers in the garage (they don't get along). So, I only got fifteen minutes in.
Let's see, what else....
I feel like I met someone at Barnes and Noble. Geeez, fuck, who was it? It was a he, but feminine. He was sort of tall and can be construed as a jack ass. He doesn't deliver punch lines well and thinks he's a punk. Oh yeah, Jaccob... I went to Barnes and Noble with Jaccob.
He was trying to find a book and I wanted to recommend one but my books are kind of on the "I'm proud a woman" side and most of them don't have slaughter or really weird ideas with horns, because that's what he bought. So, we walk around and mingle in the Christian section. He tells me what the book covers mean (mostly obedient women to their husbands) and then he comes up with, "Hey, we should buy books that we'll hate."
And we bought one for each other.
His was a great choice:
In Praise of Stay-at-Home-Moms
In case you couldn't tell, we drew on her... Although that is probably her true form. I drew the ears, cool facial hair, and the weird ears. Scotty drew the background and the horn (The Last Unicorn inspiration).
I've been highlighting and taking notes. When it's finished, I'll maybe write some down, but depends how pissed this woman makes me at the end.

Then I went to Todd's to watch them game and take notes for the "leader."
It was good -- too bad I wasn't in the game for comedic relief.
Then Jake took my phone and texted Alan with it... This is the conversation we all worked on below.

Upon seeing that, I exclaimed at Alan, "One out of six fucking pages?!"
(And for those who are observant, I finished the screen shots this morning -- that's why the time stamps are different.)

Then, soon after, I became so tired that I believed I was going to start hallucinating. I was actually, at one point, scared to drive home.
Then the little bit of adrenaline I had kicked in and I made it, but damn, the drive home at 230AM was very rough. Almost like I was drunk driving home -- that's what it felt like.

My stomach lining is a little bitch and can't stomach a beer anymore. FUCK YOU. That's okay though because I still have my lungs.

So, I decided I'm going to carve a fucking pumpkin. First on the list... Get a fucking pumpkin.

Decided that, for my costume, I'm probably going to be a 1950s housewife - create a theme for my life. Have a pin that has a book on it with a red line through it... Books make chicks think.

I think therefore I am ending this post.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Beef Jerky

Today, for my snack, I bought a thing of Beef Jerky. I sat down with my sister who was waiting to clock in; Todd and Jaccob then joined us because they know where the cool is.
So, Jake got a sliver of my jerky and then Todd, hopefully asked, "Want a piece of my chocolate?"
I turned him down. He asked my sister. She turned him down. Then he asked Jaccob and Amanda asked me something.
When I came back to Todd and Jaccob, all I heard was...
Jaccob said to the piece of chocolate in Todd's fingers, "(something) anniversary."
Todd, "(something) meat."
Jaccob, wagging the jerky, "Yeah, I have a small, limp piece of meat."
I did no disagreeing, folks.
And to make more people look desperate to be mentioned on my infamous blog, Todd replied, "That's blog material."
And it was, it was.

Later... After Todd randomly walked away to probably mentally prepare himself for talking to a group of people who aren't listening anyway, I told my sister, "You know, I hate it when mom backs up the car because my wheel is upside down."
Jaccob turned to me, "Really? An upside down wheel?"
"You know what I meant."
"A wheel that's upside down?"
"You so know what I mean."
"Maybe I should have a blog."
Already the haters are coming to the surface.

I was talking about refining my science career to Anthropology to Marina.
She simply replied, "I can see you now naked, with a bone through your nose!"
I replied, "Haha, naked was reachable, but not the bone."
And to add on that... My fair skin would broil and then I'd be as red as a tomato. IF I healed, I'd be as freckled as a redhead.
Besides, she always told me I should be an anthropologist with the way I study people - even on campus.
As I told Fallon about Main campus VS South Campus (a reject campus) study, "You know, main campus is so much more social. Everyone speaks to everyone. South campus, we all get in the room and all of us are like, 'Not talking to you, fuck you, fuck you, and if you look at me bitch, I'll stick you.' " I was alway the last one there.

Todd had a leaking box of something chemical-natured. He was walking toward me as I was saying, "I hope it gets all over you. Stains your clothes."
So then he started curving toward me. I started to back away laughing. He finally went on his right path as I said, "Yeah, that's right, I was prepared to fight."
"Prepared to run away," he called out.
"That's how I fight."

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Slice of Pie

Scotty - I try to be a good influence; not great, but just a slice of decent.
So, with the above statement, I just thought of this pie chart. Thought it'd be halfway decent to give Scotty an official blog post.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

One Voice


So, I went to watch The Voice  with Todd and Jaccob after class. I don't know how I even convinced myself to sit through almost two hours of that mundane show and just power myself through all the "heart-felt" stories and Christina Aguleria's boobs. Jesus Christ, they're fucking awful. One had a roll to it to make another boob it seemed like - it was all I could watch.
But you know, guys, I don't mean all that I say except that I really hated it.
Kidding? Maybe, maybe not.

In Bio Lab Tanya looked behind her and said, "I feel like the groups over there are all the beautiful people."
I followed her gaze and said, "You're right, they are all really beautiful." And they were - they could've been poster kids for fraternities and sororities up and down the USA.
She turned back to the table, "Yeah, and we're all here, going 'Hur hur, Harry Potter, hur hur, Lord of the Rings, hur."
It's true - we were just discussing Harry Potter. And at the beginning of class, Tanya and I were drawing pictures on one of her sheets and she drew Gandolf.

So, Alan and I were texting and he said some things that were clever and then asked"
Alan - Blog material good, or just good?
Me - Just good. Ha! Is that what you guys are aiming for nowdays?
Alan - Lol, it's possible. We shall be forever immortalized (yay redundancy!) in your prose!
The only reason I put this is up is because it makes me look cool. And makes Alan look desperate.

So, today in Intermediate Fiction Writing, they verbally discussed my story. I was not allowed to speak while they discussed. So they did, good and bad things (which all the bad/good things were the fucking same). At the end I am allowed five minutes to speak about the hour discussion they had in class. THE PRESSURE AGAIN.
All I could say is, "I'm glad all of you assumed they loved each other without me saying it." (And I didn't once use the word love.)
But they wanted more on how Paxton came to be when I couldn't say because it's Marcy's story, not his. Damn. I sounded like a bitch. It was the pressure and it was a quick transition from "observer mode" to "FUCKING TELL US EVERYTHING WE DON'T CARE ABOUT!"
And that's all I got out.
I had so many things to tell them too. I feel like I should email an apology to my professor (I just spelled proffeseur).
Here's a link for the curious.

Anyway, I seriously have to do my homework shit now.
Au revoir.

PS - Told Todd I'd tell all the participants in his game about what is going to happen:
Kickass shit.
That is all.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Ahoy, Future Ahead!

First off, have a short, short, short film (2 minutes, 15 seconds long) that a woman posted on her blog Polly-vous Francais? It's quite hilarious.
I didn't want to post the video itself because I hate what it does to my page, so, just click the link and I swear to you that it's not porn.

Me - if they think I'm honestly angry over something then I'm not going to correct them and say, "Guys, I was being sarcastic."
Amanda - Geez, you must have an awful opinion of people. Honestly, if they think somthing incorrectly of you and then you don't correct them and knock off 10% of their intelligence. People must be idiots to you.
Me - Hey, if they don't ask and just assume I'm not. It's their fault. And besides, I do.
Amanda - Well, at least it feeds your superiority complex, right?

Secondly, Jaccob made me "lmao" the other day. That hardly ever happens, folks:
Wow, five days ago - this hardly feels like five-days-ago material. I am slacking.

So, the other night (literally this time since there's not a time stamp to prove otherwise) I had a dream that me and Fallon were held up in some elementary school. So, she decides to start teaching me Magic. Ha.
Then I woke up because I had to pee (story of my life). Afterwards, I went back to sleep and dreamed that one of the guys then began to teach me Magic.
All in all, I believe this is a premonition and that I will be taught Magic sooner or later.
I would love to be able to see in the future like that. Well, I know Angel covered that line with Doyle, and That's So Raven also covered it with mundane teen life, Supernatural covered it in an episode with that writer, and what else... Oh yeah, that stupid fucking Premonition movie with Sandra Bullock.
Me, I'd let it happen.
I saw someone lose a leg. Welp, Doctor Who says it's a fixed point in time, no way to argue with that. Unless it was MY leg, then I'd break the rules and have dinosaurs, and hot air balloons, and have Winston Churchill as the king of time-fucked land, AND have the Silence lumbering around, doing their side-head they do before they kill.
Yes, all for a leg because I'm worth that much time-gold.

Good day, sir! I said good day!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Number One

Before we get to the action, I first have to tell you a back story.
In high school, I went by a name called, ichi. It means "one." Like the number. Just counting wise. I have been asked to be called ichi since I was 16-years-old and I am now 23-years-old.
I have fucking ichi in the hiragana tattooed on my upper back.
This blog is titled after the nickname.

So, in Japanese class my "sensei" does a little roleplay with us, individually, at random, to see how we all understand, I guess. Well, she called my name and asked, "New York wa nanji desu ka." (What time is it in New York?)
I was taken aback and was half-paying attention because we had seven minutes left in class.
I quickly looked at the time sheet. New york was 1:00AM. I quickly said, "Gozen..." then nothing. I couldn't think of the word for one. I just said, "Uh, uh..." while thinking, OMG WHAT IS THE FUCKING WORD FOR ONE?! Then it rushed out, "Ichiji desu."
And because of my stump moment, she said, "I better go through the numbers again."

I joined another book club. I joined one last year around this time, I think, and met Fallon. This time we're reading, "Sanctuary for the Outcasts" by Neil White. He had a book reading at Western Thursday night. Unfortunately I was at work, which sucked. OH THE FUCK WELL.

At the Biology lab today, Tanya and I were sitting beside each other. Two girls joined our group and the two guys down the table also joined.
One said something about sitting beside her then she said, "Ha, if you do... Wait, never mind. I was going to make a joke and realized it wasn't the best to make."
I said, "At least you have that moment."
"Yeah, it was a tit joke. I started it and then was like, 'Oh, this isn't a way to make friends.' "
I laughed, because it's true.

I'm watching Angel, still in the first season and all... And there's this one episode with him going back all evil. I'm sitting here thinking, "That's hot."
So, I'm not debating whether or not to watch that season of Buffy where Angel is all evil. Man oh man am I just debating it.

I am now out of things to talk about since I'm boring since the start of school. I am sure I'll get more boring as the semester progresses -- be looking forward to that.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Brother, I mean, Sisterhood

Me - *comes out wearing a towel*
Amanda - Wow, surprised you're wearing a towel.
Me - Why? Because it can finally wrap around me?!
Then we shared a laugh and I dripped my way back into the bathroom to finish brushing my teeth.
I've lost a stone now (yes I waited this long just so I can use the British term 'stone'). And everyone and my scale have noticed but me. I guess I want all or nothing, haha.

On my sister's birthday in April I executed my right to my elder-ism and took the first piece of my sister's cake. She, of course, tried to argue, but I told her I didn't care and that they'll be other birthdays. She was angry, but I forgot I had done that until my birthday and Amanda tried to be me. Didn't work. I always put her in headlocks and give her noogies.
So, today, my sister said, "I'm grabbing the last mini-milky way."
Mom said, "That's okay, I put it in there since Heather ate the last one the other day."
I looked at my sister and nodded with a smile, "That's right."
Amanda squinted, "You know, I would have gotten angry."
Sliding my head side-to-side I said, "I don't care if it's the first piece of cake or the last piece of candy, I'm getting it!"

Jaccob and I were talking about Full Metal Alchemist in the breakroom. 
Me - It's too depressing.
Jaccob - But the story gets better.
Me - yes, but you have the robot brother...
Jaccob - He's a suit of armor.
Me - *pauses* yes, robot brother.
See, this is what happens to me. I used to watch the one based off its own thing (NOT Brotherhood) all the time. This is where my shitty memory comes in: I used to watch the shit out of it. Used some nerd in high school to get the entire series and movie from him all ripped and nice. So I watched the entire thing and realized that the series is completely depressing and I couldn't afford to lose one more tear drop from my eye (name that song!). Alas, my memory makes me look like a fucking idiot. No, seriously, that show made me its little bitch.
I just relayed this conversation to my sister and she wants me to watch Brotherhood because it's more awesome and nothing like what I watched.
Not to mention that I called Hank off Breaking Bad Harry a few times.
Maybe I just need to care more?

So me and my sister were talking about obsessions and I brought up to her that I had to stop playing Kingdom Hearts because my obsession got completely out of control. Now, I say this with a list of course...
1. I memorized scenes for fun... The scene with Riku 2 and Sora coming in and finding the comatose Kairi on the floor. He runs up to her and holds her head while saying, "Kairi, Kairi, open your eyes!"
"It's no use, she has lost her heart, she cannot wake up."
2. I saved on different numbers just to watch the scenes.
3. I've started and finished the game like ten times.
4. I downloaded as many fanvideos as possible (the old one with Easier to Run with the ending scene).
5. Shirts and more shirts. Got made fun of a lot.
6. Would title all my school papers with the katakana of Kingdom Hearts. (キングドムハーツ。) <-- I'm right, right?
7. I played Simple and Clean continuously.
8. Hated life because I wasn't a Keyblade Master.
9. Hated life because Riku wasn't real.
10. Never wrote fanfiction of it because I respected it too much.
11. Bought a gameboy advance just to get Chain of Memories...
12. Bought Chain of Memories (again) when it came out on PS2.
13. Memorized all the ages and the HP of some of the bosses.
Yeah, that's all I can remember.
I say this because I think I have to stop myself before I become completely obsessed and repeat my obsessions with something different.

My sister keeps making the troll face at me every time she makes a joke. Not only does she make a troll face, but she'll repeat my name until I look over.

You know guys, I've been trying to find blogs that relate to mine ... No such luck. I'll keep looking for no results. Shows why I never chose a detective for my career field.

Oh my God, Amanda is yelling for me to turn on Brotherhood.

See ya bitches lata.