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Saturday, May 1, 2010

oops, that one was turkey.

One real quick post them I'm off to bed because I'm already ready to pass out.

This morning, picked up Sushi for me and Casey. The same rushing-you-as-you-eat waitor, aka Joshua, stopped and made small chat with me again. Haha. Still thankful, I noticed.

Afterwards, I helped her move again. Had her laundry in my arms and tried to go through her door. Got stuck. Proceeded to laugh with the HEAVY FUCKING LOAD in my arms and repeated, "Shit, don't laugh, it's only harder."
I was so tired.
But I was determined to help her move her bed and everything today. We did, with the help of guys - which I was surprisingly thankful for.
See, she has this chair and a half in her room. Beautiful, adore it, and I wanted to move it, prove to myself I'm strong.
"Why don't we move this?"
Casey looked at me and shook her head, "Have you felt that thing?"
I lifted one end, "No, I think we can do it." Mind you she lives two stories up, her truck isn't right off the stairs and we would have to heave that thing onto the tailgate and scoot.
"No, I think we should wait for Michael."
"Whatever. Here, I'll just take this stool since that's the only thing I can handle as a woman."
"Alright, you got me, let's move it."
When we did.
Holy shit.
Could have used men.
I begged for one to just show up and help, haha.
Took us a good ten minutes from her room to the truck.

Then, I went home, ate supper, left again for April's.
Me and April were sitting at the kitchen table and her little girl, Autumn, three-years-old, was in my lap.
I would laugh and talk to April as usual but Autumn's head was directly in front of my mouth. I noticed and noticed she would always do the cringe thing when I would sigh, take a deep breath, my hot air blowing on her head. I asked her, "Do you not like me blowing on your head?"
She shook it, remarking, "I don't want you to blow on my head because you're ugly."
Oh, it was hilarious.

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