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Thursday, April 29, 2010

oh, i really have to poop.

So, I took three valium and decided to watch Disney porn.
Apparently Pocahontas has light purple nipples.

[20:18] レイプマン!: omg, i'm watching disney porn, right?
[20:18] レイプマン!: and they have this ariel one.
[20:18] レイプマン!: i was like, "how in the hell would they have sex?
[20:18] レイプマン!: "
[20:18] レイプマン!: turns out, her fins are like a skirt and she can just pull them down like a vagina.
[20:18] レイプマン!: lol
[20:18] レイプマン!: "pull down to a vagina"
[20:18] レイプマン!: haha
[20:18] テイラー: LOL
[20:18] テイラー: WTF
[20:18] テイラー: A DISNEY PORN?
[20:18] テイラー: THEY HAVE THAT>
[20:18] レイプマン!: love it.
[20:19] レイプマン!: pocahontas has light purple nipples.
[20:19] テイラー: ...........
[20:19] テイラー: Ew
[20:19] テイラー: That's... Wtf..
[20:20] レイプマン!: ew goofy.
[20:20] レイプマン!: and ariel.
[20:20] テイラー: EW WHAT?
[20:20] テイラー: DDDD:
[20:20] レイプマン!: this is hilarious.
[20:20] テイラー: I can just picture him doing that gay ass laugh while having sex
[20:20] テイラー: HURR HURR
[20:20] テイラー: DURR
[20:21] テイラー: AHH DURR
[20:21] テイラー: xD
[20:21] レイプマン!: GAWSH THAT'S GREAT.
[20:21] テイラー: LOL

[20:21] テイラー: Did he say that? omfg
[20:21] レイプマン!: no
[20:21] レイプマン!: haha
[20:21] レイプマン!: i just made that up.
[20:21] テイラー: xDDD
[20:21] テイラー: He should say that
[20:21] レイプマン!: lol
[20:21] テイラー: Right now
[20:22] レイプマン!: OMG THE SEAGULL AND ARIEL.
[20:23] テイラー: LOL WHAT?
[20:23] レイプマン!: yeah!
[20:23] レイプマン!: it's over.
[20:23] レイプマン!: i want to download all these paradoies.
[20:24] テイラー: How many are there? lol
[20:24] レイプマン!: i guess one for each movie.
[20:24] レイプマン!: this is just a bunch of randomness in one video.
[20:24] テイラー: Does she just like fuck everyone in the whole movie?
[20:25] レイプマン!: no
[20:25] レイプマン!: it was beauty and the beast too.
[20:25] レイプマン!: has
[20:25] テイラー: Oh? lol...
[20:25] レイプマン!: it's, weird.
[20:25] レイプマン!: especially since that's my favourite movie ever.
[20:25] レイプマン!: ooooh, cinderalla.
[20:25] レイプマン!: except without cinderella.
[20:25] レイプマン!: haha
[20:26] レイプマン!: it's ariel.
[20:26] レイプマン!: wtf
[20:26] テイラー: ...what?
[20:26] レイプマン!: yeah
[20:26] レイプマン!: that old guy from cinderella.
[20:26] レイプマン!: and prince eric.
[20:26] レイプマン!: and then ariel.
[20:26] レイプマン!: in the ball room cinderalla was at
[20:28] レイプマン!: oh man.
[20:28] レイプマン!: it's over.
[20:28] レイプマン!: ahhhhh
[20:29] テイラー: xDD.. That's... wtf
[20:29] テイラー: Where do you find this shit
[20:29] レイプマン!:
[20:30] テイラー: Omg..
[20:30] レイプマン!: what?
[20:31] テイラー: Nothing lol.
[20:31] レイプマン!: haha
[20:35] レイプマン!: i uh
[20:35] レイプマン!: i am uh
[20:35] レイプマン!: i am bored uh

*some of this conversation has been censored ;) because SHE'S paranoid.
Not me.

Helped Casey move in for like forty-five minutes today. Well, just unloaded the truckload she had. And, I picked up this fucking long tub full of odd books. When I was trying to go through the narrow stairway with a plastic tub that was nearly longer than my arms, she said,
Casey - I almost reconsidered bringing those.
Me - Why, because this would be difficult?
Casey - Nooo, because those are my yearbooks.
Me - What?! I'm carrying our youth up these steps?
Casey - yeah, and I'm carrying my stuff in a corona light box.
Me - Hahahahah, that was your youth!

While we were getting more things, she had these ducks walk onto her lawn. I looked her them, confused.
Me - You have a pond? *shifts the boxes in my hands*
Casey - Yeah, right over there. I fed them bread, now they won't leave me alone. They continue to follow me. I think they want to go inside.
Me - You think they will?
Casey - *shrugs*
Me - *goes inside, puts boxes down and as I'm walking out, I hear this guy's voice*
Guy - Sorry, I just want to see if they'll go in my place.
Me - *hears laughing and a dog bark - Casey walking into the doorway, laughing and pointing outside*
Casey - They tried and then the dog chased them out.

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