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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Headstrong Peace

Yesterday I went to see Brave. Now, we all know how awfully awful I am at giving an open-minded critique, giving all the excuses in the book to turn the movie around and give it more of an understanding nod than something I went blank in toward the end.

The first half of the movie was fantastic. Really. The part right before the pastry. Up until the pastry and its latter happenings I was enthralled and excited. Let me tell you why I was so excited to see this: I saw a preview for it, with all its NO plot points to be given and scenes that were so open-ended that one couldn't even begin a plot point. Well, the one I watched gave me the impression that Merida was going to wish her life differently and be trapped in that forest until she figured out that she loved family, or another Disney-related tale. BUT, I was very wrong.

I did not really like the twist and I know it was a child's movie, I get that, but, damn, I did not like it. Just seemed to me like Brother Bear but with girls. Even the commercials, the one replayed at Target, wasn't in the movie - no cool-as-shit scenes with her braving the fight. I wish I could like it more. I just wanted to warn in case the mass thought the movie was my version and you will be disappointed.

And they put so much emphasis on the archery which really wasn't used to her potential and that disappointed me a lot. A lot. A lot.

HOWEVER, the graphics were amazing - all the hair in the movie (excluding Merida) was exquisite. So detailed and fine. I loved it.

AND, the jokes were really, really good. A lot of adult humor.

IN OTHER NEWS, a little more about yesterday:
I went to work and had to withstand a mantra of children's cries. They were just gaining sound to become almost deafening. Just like the Max Payne games on the PS2 where the baby is crying so loudly you probably had to turn down the television. I went home in the 90-degree weather. I have no air-conditioning in the car, so I was hot coming home. I had promised my sister this day and she was excited to eat dinner and see a movie. So, she was all ready when I got home all red-faced and sweaty. I got ready, sat on the couch a bit under a fan and then headed out, once more, in the midday heat. We went to the mall with busy, pushy people to look for a purse. It was hot in there too and the people just don't know how to fucking look before the turn around so they don't bump into you. Ack.

Then the small pounding in my head started.

I bought a purse that was finally cross-body. Of course, Fossil had one that was the epitome of what I want, but it was 80 bucks with the sale and the new me cannot afford to splurge like that anymore. Poor old me, quite literally.

We went out to eat. It was good, aside from the jock server who hardly showed up.

Then the movies. Here's the story:
My sister hates sitting beside people, well, kids. Kids usually hone in on her for some reason or another and she attracts them like a magnet. So, we chose the four seats to themselves. The one I had was probably the only broken seat in the theater. It reclined without being forced to. My sister asked if I wanted to move but I began to form this headache and the reclining worked for it UNTIL.... A mom, dad, and two sons decided to sit behind us. Of course the leggy mother wanted to sit behind my seat, and the dad at the end which is a poor choice since both boys had a big gulp. They had to use the bathroom twice, which I had to sit up in my seat and one grabbed my chair and pulled me backwards. Sounds funny but I was aggravated. Twice this happened, so that means four times in all of them coming and going. Then, in the last five minutes of the movie, my alarm clock for my birch control goes off and I hear the mom groan behind me. I was literally a snap away from saying, "I have an a alarm to control what comes out of my vagina so I don't have heathens."
I honestly forgot about it. That's why I set it, ha.

When Amanda and I left, however, Fallon was there and it was a nice surprise :)

But when my sister and I went to Stakz the headache was taking me over. Even light was getting harder to adjust to. By the time I reached home I was nauseous from the migraine. It was like a laser beam was disintegrating my brain with its little bee-buzzing sound. Ack. Took two excedrin. Helped for a couple of hours then it started to come back. I immediately went to sleep.

Amanda - And it was stiff-ling in there. Stiff-ling.
Me - Wait, do you mean, stifling?
Amanda - *blank look* What?
Me - That's not how you pronounce that?
Amanda - Geez, my entire life and no one has corrected me... My entire life.

Update on the reading list!
10. Burning Up Flint - Laurann Dohner
11. Melting Iron - Laurann Dohner
12. The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty - Anne Rice
13. Stealing Coal - Laurann Dohner

So, yeah, I am going to take a break on the erotica novels. Although, I don't know if I can make it through the last two books of the Sleeping Beauty Trilogy by Anne Rice. I was reading it and getting humiliated. See, modesty isn't dead... Just very unattractive.

I am now on The House of Tomorrow by Peter Bognanani. Very promising so far, if I liked music it features.

1 comment:

  1. Okay sooo I loved the plot twist. Absolutely freaking loved it :) Of course, I'm me and a sucker for such thing. I'm glad you liked the surprise and my sister was rambling today about how excited she is start lessons.

    Sorry about the migraine. I was incredibly happy about the movie for one major fact: it didn't give me a migraine!!!!!!! That's one movie out of about 10 straight in a row. I seriously thought I was going to puke in the theater when I saw Hunger Games.
