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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

guuiiittarrr solooo

new layout.
I'm definitely going to change the color scheme soon. How soon? Dunno. These colours are definitely wayyyy too soft for me.

Tonight, Aqua Teen Hunger Force is poking fun at Saw. For once, it's funny.
Actually this show is one of my favourite shows. Hahah. They even advertised their crappy movie.
It was a very HORRIBLE movie.

I hate, hate, hate that I have an adorable, awesome idea for a story, but nothing comes out of me besides crap.

I wanna see Pineapple Express.
It actually looks funny.
Of course, that definitely doesn't mean it is.

Has anyone, ANYONE, noticed how popular the genre ROCK is?
I mean, I think it's rocking (muahaha) the crap out of Hip Hop which was EVERYWHERE.
Well, thank you Guitar Hero, thank you.

I keep forgetting to go run in the morning.
it's a hard, HARD, habit to begin.

Nothing special today.
Just television.

Dracula is one fuckin' fantastic book!!
And I hate vampire stories!

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