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Sunday, July 6, 2008


I've bought a fashion magazine, haha. Well, it had Anne Hathaway on the cover so it's like it was calling my name. Anyway, why do all the good clothes cost hundreds of dollars? I now want a 600 dollar dress. Shit, I can't even make that in a week--especially since I don't have a job ;D And the shoes, please don't get me started--it's a sad ending.

My dream(s) last night were fuckin' awesome.
Do any of you watch Split Ends? Well, they had on an episode last night with this Asian hottie named Chris Do who works in Houston. THAT GUY IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE RIGHT NOW. Although I hated his bleached-blond hair and I'm almost positive he's gay, I want him--I need him like a girl needs an absorbent pad during those monthly visits.
Anyway, he was in my dream last night ;D Although nothing happened (damn it).. It's the point he has no idea I exist and am dreaming about him all night ;D

I'm going to go finish a book (All over but the shoutin' -- Rick Bragg) so, toodles.

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