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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

♪: plastic tree - アンドロメタモルフォーゼ

PHEW, that's all I have to say, PHEW.
It's been a busy week, believe it or not.
But I have a couple of days to catch up on.
Let's see.

Monday I kicked it with Emily since her BF was out playing with his friends. We drove around, smoked one and she relayed a really hilarious story about a bunny, two cars and a road.
*So, we're driving along and there's this possum in the middle of the road. It looks like it just laid there. I didn't notice it until the last second and I just -*
Emily - No. It was already dead. It went in the middle. It was already dead.
Me - Hahahahaha, I screamed, haaaaaaaaaaa.
Emily - You would've died that day, if you were in the car, when I hit that bunny.
Me - Hahaha, omg, was it a massacre, did blood spray your windshield?
Emily - Have I not told you about the bunny?
Me - Tell me about the bunny.
Emily - The bunny. Okay, *she describes her location* There was a bunny in the road, I slowed down, he started running to safety.... Then, I braked again, to make sure I was slowing down enough so he could - then it scared him, freaked him out, because he started running back, not to safety, to the middle of death. And, jumped up into my grill. Right before I was going to hit him, he jumped up in my grill because he was scared. He committed suicide. On my car.
Me - *keeps laughing* Your reaction, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!, hahahaha.
Emily - Yeah, I had to get out and look because I was afraid I had a bunny carcass. I was praying on my way home I didn't - I didn't, thank god.
Me - Hahahahhaha, you, hahaha, you waited until you got home to check, hahahaha. He was up in your grill, he would have been tattered by the time you got home.
Emily - I figured he died on impact. AS hard as he hit. I was probably going 45 when he hit straight up in the car.

I'm so fucking angry at myself, so, let's not get into that.
I wish I wouldn't have wasted my time I could have been knitting and all that shit, but phew. Just fucking phew.
ALL I'm going to show from last night with Kyle and Rob are two pictures:

MY HAT IS COMING ALONG. I'm on my last stage, which is not the picture below, that was taken earlier, before I got myself in a bind. The last stage I fucked up, as usual. So, tomorrow, before work, I'm going to get it fixed.
Then the next day I'm going to come in with some money, buy my sock materials and come back on the 2nd AND 16th to knit some fucking socks in a KNITTING CLASS.
I've already taken off work and shit for it, so, I'm excited.
I paid for the class already and blah.

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