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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

i can't even sit up.

I have no inspirtation.
I have nothing to make funny anymore.
I have nothing.
You think that's depressing, psh.

I am no longer an item with Kroger.
Quit that shit faster than ... well, I don't have anything to finish that.
So, I guess I quit that faster than my humor.
I work at Target now, which seems to impress everyone I talk to. I don't see why. Is it a secret club? A magical portal to the most awesome shit to ever happen to humanity? Target is a classier walmart and Kroger was a walmart wannabe. Where's the middle ground?

I discovered a new addiction of mine: Valium.
Works for some, jizzs on the other's faces. Excuse me, the eye. Jizz in the eye.
I have two couring through me as I type. I took a shower at my peak.
The single most awesome experience of my life - better than being so high I couldn't walk. Now, now all I want to do is lay on my bed, pretend it's a cloud and float away.
Float the fuck away.
No anger, no stress. Just me and serenity.
It's remarkable.
Can you tell I haven't smoked weed in two months? Over two fucking months.
A new record.

I have NEW knitted items.
Pictures later.
I don't think I have the energy.
Or maybe I do?

No, I lied, I don't.

1 comment:

  1. Serenity is the world's most precious resource.

    and this is really wierd and bothering that you've been updating this entire time and Blogger hasn't told me! What's going here!?!
