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Friday, April 16, 2010

why does it do that?!

I had several dreams last night. Most of them careless and boring. Some of them so boring I didn't go back to sleep until I was for sure I wouldn't just dream it over again.

Me and a friend were walking downtown, at night, and decided to visit the old dam. AS we were trying to sneak in, this car pulled up with three girls, our age, in it. They threatened us and made us accompany them to the dam. Me and my friend just shrugged it off. We had went up and down stairs, ending up at dead ends.
And, finally, after what felt like an hour of searching, we found it. They roamed their flashlight across the ground and it was just mud. When you stuck your foot into it, it would just sink. We were at another dead end, and dead climax.
Then we heard this cat meow. Thinking it was a stray, we tried to go back to their car. No matter which way we tried, we always ended up back at the mud hole.
The cat meowed at us again, going down a set of stairs we hadn't seen before. We followed it until it stopped at a ledge, with only a wood leading to the other ledge, where we needed to be to get to the car.
We were beginning to crawl across it before I started to slip.

Too sad to mention. Some guy called me fat and throughout the dream, I couldn't escape it.

Too sick and perverted to lay the details out.

There had been this giant snake. His name started with an 'S.' (I cannot remember the full name, although I had said it several times through the dream.) I had been the size of a doll, trying to tip-toe past the snake's lair. He had slithered out so quickly, I didn't even see him until his face was in mine. He wiggled his tongue and said, "I'm hunnnggrryyyyy."
"I'm very sorry."
"You're just the right size."
"I'm afraid I'm not."
In a blink he had coiled and his fangs wide open, fixing to swallow me, alive. Until these dolls, my friends, came and distracted him. He uncoiled me and I ran away, to the living room, where I returned to normal size. My father was standing there and I, weak, sat on the couch. "Dad, dad, there's a snake underneath the stove!"
I saw Molly start to sniff at the stove and got worried
"Dad, get Molly away-- The S snake is under the stove!"
"Hahahaha, Heather, really, S?"
I saw something jerk out then back into the stove and Molly made some awful noise. I stood. "Dad, it just bit Molly!"
I kept hearing Molly's shrieks and I started to cry, "We have to take her to the vet Now! She's going to die, S is very poisonous!"
I woke up.

See? Very boring.

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