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Monday, October 11, 2010

don't even think about it, princess

My God, my cat is so fucking adorable.
I stayed up way past my bedtime. I went to bed at like four in the morning. THANKS TAYLOR.
But, I didn't have another thought to share, just something stupid I did while talking with Taylor. I've done a version of this sober, when I was around 13-years-old, so it's somewhat forgivable.
My remotes were on the other side of the desk. I was on my bed. I needed them, so, like I normally would sober, I leaned on my computer chair and extend one arm out to get them. Well, my chair swiveled and I fell straight to the floor, caught the chair and it fell right on me.
It was very embarrassing.
I guess I deserved it, haha.
When I was thirteen, I was sitting on the edge of my bed, with my back on the edge, and my legs folded on the bed. Well, Casey made me laugh (on the phone) and I tilted my head back. Well, my entire body followed. I did some type of flip off the bed and still managed to keep the phone firmly against my ear. My legs were over my head and I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.
But, good times, right?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

why... a hamster in the ass?

I wish I wrote this down as soon as it happened, but, I was working.

So, we have this new guy, Trevor. He's buff. Like, arms the size of my head, buff. He's 6'4'' and has Andre the Giant voice. It's amazing.
Me, Alura, Chase and Tabitha were in infants with him. Somehow, hunting was brought up and I said it was a disgusting sport.
Trevor - How do you get that?
Me - Well, we have guns. If we had the same resources they do, then it wouldn't be so bad.
Trevor - Well, they have camouflage.
Me - Hardly.
Trevor - So, you're saying we need to be stripped down while we hunt?
Me - Uh, yes. Wouldn't it be something to see you running around naked in the woods?
And, that was taken as the total opposite of what I meant. Seriously. Hahaha. My face was so red I couldn't even look at any one until I cooled down, quite literally.
Then I told them that we could do natural cameo, like rolling in the mud, or something.

I went out for drinks with Tabitha after work.
Can we please hold the disgusted expressions. I was very responsible. I drunk one glass of water with lemon, had a salad and one and a half drinks. It was nice. We talked and talked. She isn't half bad, I think I like her.
Hold the phone, not that way, as a friend.

I'm so bored. SO bored.
Tried Black Cherry Rum and Coke.
Drinking it now.
I love getting drunk and talking to friends on the phone. Sitting in the dark, drinking, talking, listening to music on shuffle. So peaceful, helps me relax. Anyone else? I'm also watching Ron White on Comedy Central. Well, it came on last night, but I recorded it and went to bed.
Love it.
He's hilarious. One of the few comedians that can make me laugh.
Him, Aaron (some british comedian), Graham Norton, Jeff Dunham, Zach Galifianakis and those are all that came to mind.
Wow. I'm hard to please, or easy, however you want to look at it.
After this is over, the show, I'm going to call Alex.

So, see-ya!