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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

..little fat man boy OMG i haven't heard this song in forever!!

Looks like Princess has a heart murmur.
The only two men in the house now have heart conditions.
Makes me so sad.
They were going to get his claws removed, but since he has a heart murmur, they can't do vaccines and put him to sleep one day (apparently).
Makes me really sad.
Depressed :(
He's pissed, though.
He hasn't gotten up from my bed allll morning or purred since yesterday.
Not only that... He slept with me all night long and didn't get up for anything.
I love him and it hurts me he's pissed at me, lol.

Called in to work today.
Been too depressed to function.
I'm being a baby, really, I know I am.
And I don't even know if I'm coming in tomorrow.... uncertainty!

Bangs, across my forehead.
I adore it.
Love 'em.

Friday, February 19, 2010


privateI: he looks so good in a suit.
privateI: i love men in uniforms and suits.
privateI: omgomgpomgogmpog
privateI: skinny ties.
privateI: italian shoes.
privateI: fkpgndgfd.
HandstanD: You need to stop before you have a joygasm.
HandstanD: Have you seen the new Star Trek
HandstanD: ??
HandstanD: ?
HandstanD: ?
privateI: nope.
HandstanD: AHHHsdj ;jht;ijh;dfij WHY NOT?!?!?
privateI: i forgot it existed.
HandstanD: You are such a whore! How could you do that? It's so pretty. Lots of touchable boys. I seriously want to collect them!
privateI: ha wow.
privateI: wow moze wow.
HandstanD: What? like you don't do that with you gay asian singers. Don't give me shit. At least mine speak english.

Hung out with Pedro yesterday.
Him and his brother bought a brand-new fucking house.
126,000 bucks, I think. Somewhere in that vacinity. I'm jealous.
It's nice.
I wanted to hug him, couldn't, felt awkward, haha.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

yeah, i do.

I finished my first headband with an i-cord.
(No affliation with Steve Jobs.)

The pattern was in some knitting magazine I received on Christmas. First time I ever followed a chart instead of a pattern, step by step, itself.

Nothing new.
This guy at work, Kyle something another.
Sweet heart.
Loves Buddhism.
Probably thinks I'm an idiot because all I can do is smile and nod as he speaks.
I suck when I'm nervous.
I am not well educated in flirting or finding out if he's single or not without asking.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

it's okay to be gay by tomboy!

The last thing I have said will go as my title, no matter what.
I have such great ideas.

Okay, I finally resized and uploaded all my pictures from the past month.
Well, nearly a month.
I'm rounding.

My First Cable Scarf!
("That was Supposed to be Hard?")

My first Baby Blanket!
("Triangle Hell")
A woman at work (whose daughter I went to school with) stopped me and asked me to knit her a blanket for her daughter's upcoming child.

Me and Casey had gone to Denny's and they have these sheets with 'fill in the blanks.'

Amanda's Christmas Scarf (That I finished in January).
("Neopolitan Scarf")

Before me and Emily stopped speaking, we hung out and I brought playdoh and paint.


Emily's Shroom.

Emily's weird looking Mermaid.

My lonely umbrella. I messed up. Should have never put rain on the umbrella. Not to mention that the umbrella should have remained a plain black. Nothing else.
If you can't read the title, it's 'I Feel Under the Weather.'
Then we went to John's and he pulled out the yearbook. Omg.

MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Hahahahahahahaha. That's me ... Freshman year? Yeah. Hahahahahahahaha. I didn't even bother to smile or take off my coat!

IT'S KYLE! his senior year.

lol Cricket her Freshman year.
The next day we kicked it again and made Pancakes together. Me and Emily bugged john about how he made pancakes and he said, 'FINE! You do it, Heather!'
I did and I messed up once flipping... He automatically stopped and sighed, 'Awww, too bad.'

Another period of time:

Noro Socks!
("Not Enough Orange")

A hat made with spare yarn. It has tiny cables in it.
("Too Long Hat")

Matches a scarf of mine ;)

Me and Casey kicked it a week or so ago, again, and we went to Spencers.
I discovered a couple of hats. I made her do one and I do another.



A week ago I went to Nashville with the parental units.
They bought me a purse and some sunglasses.


The next day I finished a hat. The day after that, another.

'The Latiss Hat' Pattern was randomly found on the internet... I like to call it, "I fucking hate lace patterns" hat.
It's cool as shit though:

Then I made one for my sister.

(Differences: Color and size.)

I have cute animal pictures, too, but I also have videos.
Until the videos are uploaded on youtube, I have nother more to this post.

ps - I was so angry the other day (no idea why... Not even PMS) that I nearly killed me and my sister while driving. I was angry already but when I got stuck behind a REALLY slow old fucking man, I went to pass him but this other car in the left hand lane was coming and I chose to risk it.
I nearly hit him head-on and the left-car flipped me off, haha.
I scared the shit out of my sister - when she left the car she was then pissed.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

don't even get me started.

Yeah, I'm switching from the music titles to what I think is best.
No, I'm not running out of music, just ready for a change?

January 13, 2010... A power surge happened. Now, I don't have a protector for that horrid act, but it is something I regret, don't get me wrong.
My computer completely died. And for nearly a month now these sexiest, condescending assholes at Computer LAN 'fix my computer.' I'm on it right now, every file I left with is on and blah, but Jesus.
They would talk to me like I was a 5-year-old girl. I made my dad call because I was sick of their games. They were so polite! Even put him on hold to get the tracking number for my motherboard. I was so pissed.
It was awkward going in there today to pick it up.
They knew I was angry and we all had an understanding that we all did not like each other. No, that's not paranoia.

I do have pictures.
Several pictures of a painting I did, a flower I made out of playdoh, knitted items (MANY MORE) and etc.... I don't feel like right now because I'm catching whatever my sister had.
I have a horrible headache, a slight cough, I'm achey and I'm getting realllllly cold. I woke up this morning thinking I didn't have enough energy to sustain life. Horrible. Just awful.

Emily and me kicked it, but no more.
The way our friendship ended (probably for good, never know with people who never have money to buy weed) is a bit childish on my part but hilarious.
I was angry at Emily for constantly wanting to hang out when she knew I had cash or what not. She and Jonny always try to hit me up for weed. WELL.
One night, I texted Casey that I screened Emily when she called me and then Casey texted me back and I went to explain. Welll. Haha. I was in the wrong text box and accidentally texted the complain text to Emily about her.
She was confused and didn't think much of it until two days later Emily was all pissed and asked, 'Was that text meant for me? Did you accidentally send that to me?'
I'm laughing because I don't give a shit. (I really don't.)
AND THEN, a couple nights later after she stops speaking to me, I'm trying to sleep and I get a call... From Emily.
I pressed ignore.
She called again.
I pressed ignore.
I had a voicemail. It was stupid, immature and slightly laughable.
Emily's boyfriend and her boyfriend's friend called me, shitfaced, and kept saying how they wanted to fuck me, rape the fuck out of my virginity and blah blah... You can actually hear Emily giggling in the background!
After they said all the needed they laughed and I'm guessing they didn't realize the voicemail was still going and I hear the friend ask, 'So, who else can we call?'
THEY CALLED ME NINE TIMES and left two voicemails practically mimicking one another.
So immature.
And they're all older than I am.
I guess it's all the same because Emily invited me to go do cocaine with her and her friend one day. And she wanted to do some fucking meth with an old High School friend of mine!
Bad enough with her obsessed over Mary Jane.
So sad.

Finished the book Kockroach by Tyler Knox.
A dazzling first 200 pages and a very disappointing thereafter.