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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

♪: 서태지 - 로보트

Oh me oh my.
I found a love letter FROM 7TH GRADE in one of my CD cases from 7TH GRADE.
Hahaha, this dude now has a kid and all that now, but it's hilarious.
(I'll type it like it is EXACTLY on paper.)

I have loved you for A long time. (something erased and wrote over with) Jacob told me you used to like me. But I did not beleave it. Now I come to ask you if you still do? Tell Jacob and He'll tell me. If you don't rember , I'll find a we to remind you!

SOS (I wrote beside this with) (Jacob Oliver)

(click on me to be bigger!)

Monday, September 28, 2009

♪: 雅-miyavi- - ジングルベル (仮)

Let us pray.
Dear God, thank you for the blessing called life and a car, but the time has come to stop reckless drivers who do not know the road rules. Dear God, He who knows best, let us pray You no longer allow bus drivers to nearly kill a 20-year-old girl. Dear God, please stop this mayhem.
Yeah, so what. I nearly died, AGAIN, on the road.
I had the right of way, this GO bus (the bus which shuttles around the poor) decides to disregard my RIGHT OF PASSAGE TO TURN LEFT WITHOUT STOPPING BECAUSE THEY'RE VARIOUS SIGNS TO EXPLAIN THIS SIMPLE FUCKING RULE. He decides that my little red car should stop because he had been sitting there awhile so he just went on (remember, he was stopped, waiting for his turn), I kept swerving while repeating, "WHAT THE FUCKING HELL?!" Finally, an arm's length away, he stops and I'm speeding away wondering where THE FUCK are the cops.

Is their happier news?

Why, yes, yes there is.

There's really no attractive way to scream - I tried.


ps - Ben has my number. We texted each other while working.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

♪: dir en grey - egnirys cimredopyh +) an injection

I am THINKING about getting allll my hair chopped off again like I have before mentioned. Now, short means THIS RIGHT HERE.
Isn't that just dandy?
I'm still undecided because, haha, well yeah.
I really love that hair, but, will the hair love me?

Nothing exciting has happened.
I drove around last night, and I would talk about it, but I come off being a pothead and that's just no fun to be called names.
It was hilarious because I ended up throwing shit out the window for no apparent reason other than paranoia because NOTHING was following me.


LOOK, MY SCARF, MY SCARF IS COMING ALONG. I'm finally in the CC. Do you now how elated that makes me? So elated that elated isn't even the word anymore. Green is so going to be 3 balls long and the brown/gray part is going to be one ball on each end, sooooo... yay?

My room's floor is suffocating with my hobby and what I wear. Honestly, the floor is better than a couple days before... I don't know how, but I think someone came and picked up more clothes and picked up more candy wrappers from when I was PMSing and would turn into a Basilisk if I didn't have my chocolate.
Personally, I think it's a problem.
Or a blessing?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

♪: plastic tree - アンドロメタモルフォーゼ

PHEW, that's all I have to say, PHEW.
It's been a busy week, believe it or not.
But I have a couple of days to catch up on.
Let's see.

Monday I kicked it with Emily since her BF was out playing with his friends. We drove around, smoked one and she relayed a really hilarious story about a bunny, two cars and a road.
*So, we're driving along and there's this possum in the middle of the road. It looks like it just laid there. I didn't notice it until the last second and I just -*
Emily - No. It was already dead. It went in the middle. It was already dead.
Me - Hahahahaha, I screamed, haaaaaaaaaaa.
Emily - You would've died that day, if you were in the car, when I hit that bunny.
Me - Hahaha, omg, was it a massacre, did blood spray your windshield?
Emily - Have I not told you about the bunny?
Me - Tell me about the bunny.
Emily - The bunny. Okay, *she describes her location* There was a bunny in the road, I slowed down, he started running to safety.... Then, I braked again, to make sure I was slowing down enough so he could - then it scared him, freaked him out, because he started running back, not to safety, to the middle of death. And, jumped up into my grill. Right before I was going to hit him, he jumped up in my grill because he was scared. He committed suicide. On my car.
Me - *keeps laughing* Your reaction, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!, hahahaha.
Emily - Yeah, I had to get out and look because I was afraid I had a bunny carcass. I was praying on my way home I didn't - I didn't, thank god.
Me - Hahahahhaha, you, hahaha, you waited until you got home to check, hahahaha. He was up in your grill, he would have been tattered by the time you got home.
Emily - I figured he died on impact. AS hard as he hit. I was probably going 45 when he hit straight up in the car.

I'm so fucking angry at myself, so, let's not get into that.
I wish I wouldn't have wasted my time I could have been knitting and all that shit, but phew. Just fucking phew.
ALL I'm going to show from last night with Kyle and Rob are two pictures:

MY HAT IS COMING ALONG. I'm on my last stage, which is not the picture below, that was taken earlier, before I got myself in a bind. The last stage I fucked up, as usual. So, tomorrow, before work, I'm going to get it fixed.
Then the next day I'm going to come in with some money, buy my sock materials and come back on the 2nd AND 16th to knit some fucking socks in a KNITTING CLASS.
I've already taken off work and shit for it, so, I'm excited.
I paid for the class already and blah.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

♪: denise williams - let's hear it for the boy

I was standing up and taking some water from my bottle when I nearly fell backwards.
Sad, really.

Bah, my parents took my lamp, the one I bought for my father (specifically) from Haha. NOW I HAVE MY MOTHER'S GRANDMOTHER'S (my GREAT grandmother). You might think it's pretty, but it's not.
It's frighteningly ugly.

My reaction is quite frank.

I got to say hello to Ben, make a short, stupid, smack on the forehead joke.


If you stick to it until the end, I think the rating would be amusing. Not mild, just plain.

Mild amusement: Guess who's not sober.

(via email)
Me - So, you've gotten high, four times?
I thought, once, that I would die of suffocation if I didn't stop laughing. That was when I was sitting in a parking lot space.
So not obvious.
Kyle - Well, I've smoked four times. I only got high the very last time. I smoked a bit during that Matt and Robin party. It was bad and I was drunk. The time before that though, Rob was laughing his ass off, he was purple. "His...head..." he struggled. "What?" I asked him giggling. "His...head hahahaha ...looks like...buh huhahahaha a basketball..." "...." lmfao... "WHAT .... The .... FUCK?" lmfao. Greatest night of my life.
Me - Haha, that seems silly.
Kyle - It was the funniest fucking thing that's ever happened to me. I will never forget it. I was in bed with Robin, she was going to sleep. Rob was laying between my legs ontop of the blanket. Justin was standing at the door cracking up.
Me - Did you wake up Robin?
Kyle - We all did. We were laughing so loud it was echoing in the room. It was like, at 3 - 4 AM. lmfao.
Me - *air high five*
Kyle - Shit I missed it. Yeah, I loved every moment of that night.
Me - Do my moments just shrink into a dwarf sized form of 'love'?
Kyle - Just a few. It shrinks, decompresses and then comes back to size and makes my sub-cochle area all warm
Me - You wanna laugh and then it just comes out as disgusted groans.
Kyle - lmao groans of pain
Me - There are groans that mean disgusted.
There are groans of displeasure.
There are groans of despair.
Don't dare compare groan of pain.
(if rhymed lol)
Kyle - lol I have groans of hunger and groans of sickness
Me - OSHIT, I see where you going with that.
Sorry, I didn't catch your groan of pain joke.
It was a joke, right?
Kyle - Yeah, just a joke lol
Me - Haha, don't I feel stupid.
Say no, while I say yes.
Kyle - I didn't. lol I don't even know where the grunts and groans are heading
Me - I'm stopping my grunt description thing.
Kyle - lol Ok. We can play prototype too.
You're so goddamn funny.
Kyle - What kind of groans are you having now?
Me - Displeasure, Kyle, displeasure.
Kyle - How so? Why?
Me - You would so bone me.
Don't even deny it anymore.
Kyle - ?? What?
Me - lol.
Kyle - I'm confused
Me - Convient.
Kyle - lol What the hell is going on?
Me - Hahahhahahahhaxinfinity.
Kyle - Everything you are saying is really cryptic. What's going on?
Me - Nothing?
Kyle - Hmmm, ok. This is weird. I am lost.
Me - What? Seriously, nothing is going on.
Kyle - lol ok. I believe you. Anyway... sup?
Me - Nothing, just poking around on Cracked.
Kyle - Love that website.
Me - Ditto.
Kyle - Bone.
Me - Boner.
Kyle - Bonero.
Me - For the past hour I've been high.

Friday, September 18, 2009

♪: the fray - over my head

I go to work in less than an hour and I still have to shower and fix my hair which is for shit because I get around really hot, steamy water which, therefore, causes it to curl.
It's all for nothing.

I have thoughts to whether or not if I should cut all my hair off again.

That's how my hair is now.
It's longer if I straighten it and all that, but, since the natural curly hair of mine looks good, I don't bother anymore.

Relaxing my fucking ass.
You know that scarf I was talking about? I MESSED UP AGAIN, JUST WHEN IT WAS TAKING SHAPE.
I'm so aggravated that I want to burn everything related to that fucking scarf.

It's usually an inch or so longer than that before I have to unravel the whole fucking entire fucking thing.
Yesterday, though, I bought shit to make a hatttttt.

What my fascination is with orange and blue is beyond me. Maybe it'll match the scarf that I'm going to knit when I finally finish the devil-sent scarf?
All I want to do anymore is knit. If I'm waiting, I feel as if I should knit to make it even out. I want to knit now, later, ever much later. I want to knit instead of sleep, I want to dream that I'm knitting. It's literally like an addiction to drugs.

Can't wait :)

ps - I fixed an entire box of macaroni only to discover I can't even eat half.
So, sorry kids in Africa, China, Cambodia, every country with starving children.

pss - Went to see the movie '9' last night with Sean and David. Two gay men. I feel awkward being the chick, BUT, I don't feel judged.
That movie was the worst movie I've seen this year - and I've seen pretty sucky movies. It hardly explained anything, I was left wondering two things, "If I paid money would I go demand a refund?" and "Should I start raving how much it sucks now, or wait for Sean and David?"
I waited, I'm always the one to hate movies.
All I'm saying is, DON'T WASTE YOUR LIFE.
I'm so angry.
I could have been high, or or or, KNITTING, I could have been knitting instead of that fucking movie.
I could have been at Cricket's until 10 and went home to knit, sober, mind you.
Btw, how did that go Cricket, your whole 'group' thing for your new job?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

♪: the beatles - come together

Trust me, I know I've been uninteresting since I started a job and don't really do a lot of drugs anymore. That's what a job does - conforms you and ruins the buzz.

Right now I'm wondering if I should type out the best pieces out of last week's run-in with Cricket and Alex. Not this week's. Can you believe I was hanging out with Cricket and Alex nearly four hours and didn't get high? NEW RECORRDD. I left sober and still managed to drive recklessly. Who would have thought it?

Okay, this scarf I'm knitting is pissing me the fuck off. I'm knitting such a simple pattern and still manage to fuck it over at least once, right when the scarf is beginning to take shape. I have restarted that goddamn scarf over TEN FUCKING TIMES. Tonight is the last time I restart that damned thing. I am so sick and tired of screwing things over. I'm thinking of just knitting some of it, or most of it, tomorrow at Crafty Hands so, if I do fuck up, the helpful people can aide me. What luck.

brought to you byyyy, Me, Alex and Cricket.
*through this entire conversation, I'm knitting*
Me - On a meter of one through ONE BILLION, how high are you?
Alex - Half a billion.
Me - Okay, you? *directing toward Cricket*
Cricket - I'm sorry, what was the level?
Me&Alex - one through ONE BILLLIIOOONNN.
Cricket - What's the number directly under one billion?
Me - 999 hundred,9...?
Cricket - That one.
Me - 9-hundred and 99 thousand....
Alex - A million!
Me - WAIT!
Alex - One million, one thousand --
Me - 9 Million.
Cricket - 99 million, 99 thousand, 99
Alex - No it's, 99 million, 99 thousand, 99 *joined by Cricket* hundred, 99.
Cricket - That's what I said.
Me - No, you forgot the hundred. *Then I explain the difference between the british way of doing it and the american, for some reason*
Alex - *starts to count again, for some reason*
Cricket - yeah, well, you know I can't spell. *talking about something british*
Me - *ignoring Alex and talking to Cricket* Yeah, well, you know what you spell wrong? 90% of the dictionary.
Cricket - *explains her way of spelling*
Alex - *plays with Mufasa, the kitty*
Cricket - I don't want anymore after you *nods head toward the joint*
Me - Well, you have to take it *nods head toward Alex* ... Okay, what about counting back from a trillion?
Cricket - NOOOOO....
Me - 999 trillion, 999 billion, 999 million, 999 hundred-thousand, right? 999 thousand, 999 hundred, 99?
Alex&Cricket - Yayyy! *claps*

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

♪: plastic tree - ghost

I know I've been neglecting you, but don't be that way, you know I love you the most.

Work does suck, BUT I NOW HAVE FRIENDS.
I made it my personal goal to befriend a boy. AND IT HAS HAPPENED, times two.
This older gent who just talks to me and asks random questions about me.
I knitted today and was walking out the door with my needles and thread when he stopped me and thought I was just the bee's knees for it.
("It's like when you see this girl you want to date, but you need that extra point. OH, SHE KNITS? Okay, let's go, we're dating.")
Then, Ben, the guy I have this HUGE GIRLY CRUSH ON, was talking to me and him and the older gent invited me to go to dinner with them after work.
I agreed.
Went to the car, got my sanitary napkins, then walked away, walked back to put my frock up and realized, with horror, that I locked my KEYS IN THE CAR.
So, they cancelled plans, I called Cricket, Cricket's mom, Alex and she answered. I refused Ben's offer to drive me home - I would have felt so horrible if he had.
The older gent laughed, saying, "Wow, what a great first impression."
It was very embarrassing.
I hardly ever get embarrassed.
So, I smoked some cigarettes with Alex, got home, got the spare key, got back to my car and talked to Alex for a bit more and went home.
Today has been very bad.
And good?
It evens itself out, I suppose.
It's adorable how that happens.
- Cricket visited me at work. Kaylee was with them... I let Kaylee have the hairnet I was wearing - she looked ADORABLLLEEEE.
- Got to know Ben - he knows Japanese music ANDDDDD KOREAN. He's going to be a good friend, or my boyfriend. NEW PERSONAL GOAL.
- Got to be by myself for closing... So nice.
- Crafty Hands helped me with a knitting problem, gave me advice, a marker, patted me on the head and sent me on my way with news about a sock knitting class they're going to have in October. Can't wait. I wanna go, I just have to see if I can get off.
- INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL September 26, 2009, 9am - 7pm.
- I'm off, after tomorrow, FOR TWO DAYS.
So happy about that.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

♪: plastic tree - リプレイ

It has been very uneventful.

Yesterday, I was exiting Crafty Hands when I heard this big 'WOOOOOOOO' from the parking lot over. I, of course, looked over toward the sound with my curious face on... It was this guy in a really beat up, old, rusty car. He was looking in my general direction. I laughed and said, "Okkkaaayyyy."
Soon, as I was unlocking my car, he sped through, blasting this rap song while he stuck his entire head out, and one arm, rapping along to that song, fist pumping in the air... to me. My face: :|...:O....:DDDDD

(via e-mail)
Kyle - That sucks. I wish I could generate money. Turn everything I dislike into money.
Me - You know, if everything I hate turned to money, only 5% of the Earth would remain.
Kyle - The rest would be big stacks of money and representations of more money?
Me - I would literally own the world.
Kyle - There would only be a group of people left. You and a whole bunch of Japanese rock bands. Weird.
Me - Hahahaha. They're great for entertainment value. Think about it. Wouldn't you have a glorious time being high and staring at them?
Kyle - I'd be like 'why are we watching wanna-be Japanese women?'
Me - Haha. Who says you wouldn't be money?
Kyle - Psh. No one can hate me. Anyone that does just doesn't have good taste or is pissed and jealous. That's all.
Me - Wow. Your ego.
Kyle - Do you like it?
Me - Like my time of the month.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

♪: Johann Sebastian Bach - flight of the bumble bee

My sister explained an exercise she had in class the other day. She said the teacher asked the class to make a paragraph out of, "I screamed when the green man..."
And I interrupted with, "I screamed when the green man popped on my shoulder. He told me to do it. I told him I couldn't. He said it would be all right, he was from the future and it would help the future."
Turns out he wasn't from the future nor knew what was going to happen."

(via e-mail)
Me - ACK, I don't know what I want to do. I mean, I want to choose a career, not WORK, you know?
Kyle - You should get an office job. Something like that or management.
Me - I don't have that kind of power to be a manager.
I don't like to sit on my ass all the time, believe it or not.
I REALLY want to study the relationship between parasites and humans. I want to be a librarian and I want to be a secret agent.
Choices, choices.
Kyle - Secret agent? For what?
Me - It was a joke, I don't have the physical endurance. But it would be hardcore if I was.
Kyle - That would be sweet. I think the term would be special agent. Wouldn't be so secret. Unless you were in secret services or the CIA. I applied for a job at CIA. Didn't get much back about it.
Me - lol, you have an overwhelming amount of confidence.
What about a job that I get to carry a gun 24/7? NOT a police officer.
Kyle - You could just get your conceal carry permit.
Me - Nah, I could shoot anyone.
I could wear bullet proof vests.
Kyle - Hahahaha. You are hilarious.
Me - Tell me something I don't know.
Kyle - The first postulate of Einstein's theory of relativity?

Not much has happened. Work sucks, I know.
Been craving cookies like weight lifters with steroids.
UGH, I have errands tomorrow. It's almost as if I'm walking down the stairs of Hell where thy trip you and push you down.
Nothing is easy in hell.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

♪: the all-american rejects - move along

WOOT. Finally found the funny people at my work place. Literally.
I was in the break room and these three guys were already there and they were just talking, trying to evade my presence with their minds.
One guy said, "Yeah, I was with this one guy and he said to some other guy, 'Wow, you can tell you're a rejected abortion.' and I replied, 'Man, that was hardcore.'"
A friend injected, "That was messed up."
"Yeah, it was, but hardcore - because he had the balls to say something like that."

And at lunch:
The same three guys walked in there, I guess in hang out because they were talking about getting off in about 10-20 minutes, haha.
The One Guy talked about instead of buying/renting video games, he'd download them... "Yeah, all for like, 60 bucks. And most of them I hate, they're not even good. Then, I'm wondering if I'm playing the video games I downloaded because I liked them or if it's because of the sixty-dollars."
There is this OBVIOUSLY gay-curious, skinny, black man sitting at the break table, shifting through a magazine. All of the sudden I heard, "You listen to Classical Rock? Omg, you don't like Led Zeppelin?"
I look up from my sudoku. "Wow, really?"
All three guys glance at me, then the black man. "Seriously."
The One Guy replied, "That's blasphemy. I'm shocked."
Me, "Yeah, really, because it's like you hear about people disliking them, but you never meet one."
And then the One Guy shifted through his knowledge of Classical Rock and bragged about his extensive use of fun facts.
This One Guy was HILARIOUS. I'm sure his name-tag read 'Sammy.' Why I don't work with him is like blasphemy.

I discovered I'm not the only one who dislikes Papa John's.
I love the crust though. Just that. And the cheese. Since they now have a special ring of cheese attached to the crust, it's like hearing Angels sing Hallelujah.

Friday, September 4, 2009

♪: ivan - 光

Been a long time since I listed a Japanese song on here. PRAY THE LORD.

I was incorrect on my assumption that there was no [lack of] comedy at my work place.
Today two interesting incidents happened:
No, I don't hate the slow-minded people of our society, I just don't talk to them. Well, I was on my lunch, talking to this old woman about her life. Haha, she mentioned that one of her sons, the middle one, had a nervous breakdown and yeah. So, he's now a bum. GUESS WHO CAME TO VISIT HER. He sat directly beside me and, immediately, you could tell he was a bit slower than the rest.
He smiled really big and greeted me, I did the same.
Him and his mother started to converse and I'm finishing my sandwich when I realize he keeps staring at me. This man is less than 12 inches away from me and keeps turning his ENTIRE HEAD to stare at me. Every time I'd talk, he'd stare at me with this dorky smile.
Then when his mother joked, or someone else, he'd chuckle WHILE turning his head in the direction of me.
It's creepy, I hated it. I was so happy when my lunch was over.

This Matt guy came in today with a pretty bandaged thumb. His co-worker asked what happened. He replied, "I was bit by a raccoon last night."
"He bit right through my thumb and then latched. I couldn't get him off by swinging my arm so I had to start punching him." He then made a downward punching motion in the air.
"Omg, did you get a tetanus shot?"
"Matt, you should've went to the doctor last night if a raccoon bit you."
Matt then glanced at me and I injected, "That was amazing, btw."
And he walked off, hahahahaha.

- Old ladies buying 24 packs of beer and steaks.
- An old woman complaining about the price of an avocado and pointing to the people behind her (five minutes in the ring up) and saying, "Well, they're going to have a heart attack because of me. OWELL."
- REALLY white trash people. With a wife in one of those riding cart things, which is a bit faster than walking and her husband in line. They have to get another thing of bread. Well, the wife, even though it would be HELLA easy fer her, refuses to get it and her husband takes TEN FUCKING MINUTES - ALMOST LITERALLY - to get some bread that was wrong in the first place and he replies, "I'm not going back, it's not my job anyway."


Thursday, September 3, 2009

♪: arctic monkeys - From The Ritz To The Rubble

So, I finally landed myself a moderately decent job to have during college and NO ONE FUNNY WORKS THERE. I haven't had one funny conversation in two days. I think I will drop into a horribly deep depression I couldn't laugh myself out of. OH WELL. Maybe I will, one day. LET'S PRAY. Let's hope I'll find my job more interesting soon. I don't want to already be sick of it haha, it's only been two days.
AS SOON AS I get some leftover money, I'm signing up for college (FINALLY, RIGHT) for next year. I want to study the relationship between parasites and humans. I really hate calculus. Perhaps I'll take the easy route and major in Japanese/German (OR French, I haven't decided) and minor in creative writing. That would be like riding a tricycle.
While eating a cookie.
My perfect evening.
Besides I'll have money to buy the celebration between me and my friends. Cricket, Kyle, Pedro... ETC.
Kyle won't do it, you heard me, you're a pussy.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

♪: rancid - ruby soho

Not much has happened today aside from kicking it with Kyle.
What we didn't do last week, we did this week.
We had a lot of discussions and arguments, haha... I like to nag at him for no apparent reason.
While we ate Chinese we were watching 28 Days Later.. And I noticed the main character didn't have a harry ass. I asked Kyle if he did, he denied, well, it laid down, but stop talking about ass-hair because that's disgusting.
It was redundant. We were watching a gory movie.
And we played Prototype. Mindless violence is my game and that's EXACTLY what it is. What an awesome game. omg. I am going to use him next week for that game and more Chinese. I'll probably buy next time.
Oh, at the Chinese place, placing an order, there was this awesome cashier. The only white guy, haha. He was pretty cool.
I'm pretty boring, but I wanted to mark this memory. Do you blame me?
Btw, 28 Days Later has so many inconsistencies it bothers me.
I pointed out every single flaw of that movie while watching it with Kyle, haha. I hope I annoyed him.

ps/edit: While I was waiting for Kyle at his mother's in his car, his little sister and the mom's boyfriend were throwing a football back and forth. The girl wasn't watching where she was going and literally ran head first into the car. Hahahahahahaha. Not expecting it, I jerked and thought, "Wtfh?"
Kyle doesn't find it as funny as I do, haha.