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Saturday, March 24, 2012

And I'm done with this song

Yeah, that's where Fallon (she's the piece of arm/elbow in the far left-hand corner) and I sat to wait for a Hunger Games showing the day it released, at 3:40 in the afternoon. Yeah, they still had to have people wait in lines. Weird, right? However, the 7PM showing had a line around the building. The movie, what can I say. It should've stayed a book or had more going on with the character's head. Because, as I heard a woman tell a manager of mine, "It would've been better if they had a narrator in it. I mean, when she's sitting in a tree, that's all she's doing." I've noticed the hype is lessoning. People probably thought a hardcore bloodbath. They were sadly mistaken. It was PG-13 with senseless romance and plot-lines that were never fully answered. They were like, "That fighting was so anti-climatic." It was.
They were in the forest for at least a week, right? Well, she kisses this boy who just had this muck and shit on him and I say, "Ewwww."
Fallon asks, "What?"
I reply, "Their breath probably smells like rotten fish."
She just blinks, "Is that what you're seriously thinking about?"
Yes, yes it always is.

So, Battle Royale was released Tuesday. I am so fucking excited to have it on DVD. It'll be here next week for me :( Once it is, I'm ignoring the world for a couple of hours, like I do when True Blood playing. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. I've followed it since episode one, don't ask me why. I also like Jersey Shore and Ghost Whisperer. I'm not going to say anything else, I'll just let you think about it.

I am also trying to write on a Sonnet that's do Monday. I suck at poetry. No shame.
Here's what I have so far:
The smell has you in it -- a soft, but firm
Aroma soaking in the clothes, fabrics,
the thoughts of you. Somehow the odor squirms
Under my skin, infecting the rhythmic
Beat of my heart. I feel as if it murders,
Slowly constricting pumps to make venom.
Veins alter color: Green, red, black deeper
Than I can clarify. 
I HAVE FUCKING WRITER'S BLOCK. FUCK IT. FUCK LIFE. Haha. I hate poetry. I respect it, but it doesn't meant that I have to like it. I know it's not in perfect iambic pentameter, but it's hardddddd.
I am trying to go that she is the smell, and he hates to love it, or she, doesn't matter - I try to make my writing as androgyny as possible.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


It's been a slow week for all bloggers it seems. What I should be doing is taking a shower and reading essays for my English 300 class. But mind your own beeswax, buster.

So, I'm going through that old blog of mine again. Found one where Pedro had asked me to redo his myspace (never let me do that - I will write nonsense).

11 June 2007 @ 14:57
I wrote this in Pedro's about me section:
Hm, well, I'm male.
I live with my dad.
I like to play video games that I'm never good at AND think I am.
My hero is Dr. Phil and Spiderman. Wow, the perfect couple.
My favourite food is lasagna and it takes me about 20 minutes to eat a couple of small chicken pieces.
I straighten my hair.
I suck at text messaging.
I feed my ego so much bull, that it is, indeed, a bull.

And, this for his who i'd like to meet section:
A chico, plain and simple.

14 June 2007 @ 15:27
Mom: Heather, dust off the living room tables!
Me: Why? Who's coming over, no one. It's half past screw yourself, mom.
Sister: Haha, that was funny. *She looked at mom*, yeah, admit it, it was funny.
Me: *laughs*
Sister: It's funny because she's retarded.

18 June 2007 @ 08:19
so how have you been? how's the summer sun treating you? since it doesn't rain anymore. i suppose when the great flood comes I'll be safe because i've been in a boat and I shall use the great paddle to slap you away into the deep abyss! unless you are kind and do as i say and agree to enter yourself into slavery under my control

Pedro, uh, wtf.
Hahaha, that boy <3

22 June 2007 @ 20:16
I deleted my myspace, haha.
An old "friend" of mine messaged me with some shit like, "You never came to see me and now I'm moving. And, you never replied to anything. Great friend."
I'm like, "lolll, guess what I'm STILL not replying to."

(You know that's funny? She adds me on FB every time I make a new one.)

I went to the new Smiths Grove library today with my sister. It still smelled of paint and reminded me of the year I had to work with my parents. Ha. It was nice, but still had shit for books.

Oh, funny vomit story.

I did drink last night which was a mistake.
I ate salad before passing out.
Which splashed back up in my face later on that morning.
I am so fucking awesome.                

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Please tell me there's no pot in these cookies

I am so making this before Todd. Hopefully. (Man, this iPad is about a foot and a half away from me and I still needed my glasses.)

Leader: Todd
Players: Me, Jake, Alan, and Scotty

The game went really well. The entire night we went from going to bed to a cameraman rolling away in his little car. I am still trying to get the hang of it, you know, knowing what the leader of the game wants me to do. Like I said, I have this thing about writing and it gets in the way of progressing the story. Bad Heather. Bad.

It's funny though -- Alan is a detective and he said that, since he was getting done with his other ones, that he was going to go to the casino where we (the characters) met. Well, Todd starts tuning in the "Inspector Gadget" theme song. It tickled me so much that I'm laughing about it now, after my fit of laughter at the table. What I want to know is how the guys didn't think that was fucking hilarious like I did.

I was knitting. Jake asked me, "Do you get drunk, wake up and then say, 'Oh man, what did I knit?!'"
First time someone has asked me.
For a serious answer, no, I don't, because I can't count.

Jake went through my music on my iPad and found my Disney playlist. Well, wasn't like I was hiding it, but still. I should be more aware of my embarrassing girly moments for the public.

One conversation they had was what if Bruce Willis "Die Hard" WAS in Family Matters. Imagine the bloody tank-topped man mowing the lawn, waving at the neighbors.
(They had more comments but I completely forgot.)

Although this wasn't funny to the guys, I think it's adorable and smile-worthy:
Amanda - *walks into kitchen and picks up one of two comics* Hey, this one is the same as this one.
Me - Yeah, Mom buys like four at a time.
Amanda - Oh. I have already read these then. *she looks down at the same comic* Here, spot the difference, you go first! *she puts them side by side*

Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Lot of Time

Todd did beat me to this entry. I guess that respect I earned last time has been handed down to him, which sucks. For someone who was upstairs in less than a second after we said bye had time to make a blog entry. Tsk tsk. He would rather be red-eyed and sick-feeling.

Whatever, we played "Agricola." Which was a good game, I could see how, if you had your shit together, it would be mildly fun. Of course, I was beat by everyone, including Mac, Todd's 8-year-old son. Judge me on your lowest moments, haha. I did have fun. I was in the negatives. I kept forgetting to stock on the food. How can one simply forget the nutrients?

I went to Chuck's and bought vodka for tomorrow while I do my homework. Let's hope I don't start making monkey jokes while writing on how man became civilized. I do hope I remembered to catch them all before I turned that shit in.

Sadly, no funny conversations since Todd is my only true friend in his little group of comrades. Well, come Monday I am going to put "Stephanie" on the "Need a Name Tag List."

That name forever haunts me.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I have a corny song stuck in my head

I'm trying to think of cool titles. Like, I once had titles to a song I was listening to (never the same song twice). So, then I tried the last thing I said. But I hardly speak in my house so I'm stuck. I need opinions.

I was going through my old, old livejournal account

02 October 2007 @ 06:13 pm
"オレンジ is a very, very good song.
Hahahaha, I love me. Have I mentioned that before?
That entire fucking entry had me loudly snort-laugh. Maybe you have to know DBSK, but I have to share that memory.

Want to know how I was in high school?:
24 April 2007 @ 14:14
"Today had been the single most boring day of my life, well, besides the point of sitting through a two hour lecture. First, Seniors could come in late. Then, we had to head to the gym where we sit with friends and gab about our lives. Alas, today's youth lacks anything good in life except drugs and sex, so I sat there making fun of people; you know, the usual. I talked, I laughed and I threw trash at Tara (I don't like her)."
That's hilarious.

08 May 2007 @ 16:20
"So, Pedro said something in the auditorium after the movie and he yelled, "WELL, YOU'RE A CATERPILLAR." 
He pwned me, "No, all you need is a bong."
I gave him credz.

Please be kind with thoughts - I was only in high school.

On a sad note, thought I could finish a chapter of my story during Spring Break - didn't work. I am just three pages in and already questioning my tactics for writing the rest of it. Aren't I my own mentor?

I took a sleeping pill ten minutes ago and I still have to shower (it's shave day). Let's see who wins - it already has ten minutes on me.

Monday, March 5, 2012

what! a woodpecker?!

I finally remember to post about Saturday night. Don't get your panties in a bunch, I wasn't smoking or drinking. The life of a saint, I know... But, I was at Todd's and we played his RPG game.. Well, started our ten installment adventure more I like it. It's a pretty good set up I think. He has this story set up to work off our character's regrets.
My character:
Name - Jackleyn Smith (Todd misspells my purposely misspelled name every time.)
Regret - Alicia Something (I am so bad at remembering anything.)
Anger - Children
Occupation - A high class escort in Las Vegas (eat that shit, yo)

So far, I don't know what I'm going to do about my character and Alicia. I'm trying to work out a story, and a little something I can write up for Todd and be more prepared than the guys. ha! You read it first here and I stick by it. FYI, Todd-ster, I have been thinking of her personality - I make her quiet on purpose, not because it's my second game.

I have a problem with taking over some things. I am not trying to be egotistical, but with this gaming thing I am always trying to divert Todd's way of leading it, unintentionally. Haha, it's the writer in me, really.

Okay, this is going to sound really pathetic, but I am trying to make more friends than just Marina (but you're great, sex kitten). I need more options, which sounds like just an accessory, I know. Ha, sometimes I sound so emotionless. Anyway, I did meet Fallon, but she intimidates me sometimes because of her brilliance but she has that same corny sense of humor I do have and no one understands until they've known/read me for awhile. Then, Todd, he's/you're awesome, but he's/you're busy and I need someone my age with my availability. Todd does have a friend, Jake, who's pretty cool, yet I feel as if I am being an aggravation rather than friend material. I want another guy friend. Girls are good, but let's be honest: I am not very girly. I need to work on my jokes. Okay, okay, stop trying to tell me I'm already hilarious, I know. I just make really morbid/mean jokes without thinking (part of my emotionless trait).

So, my mother found this necklace in her coat pocket. She found this weird because one, she doesn't wear necklaces, and two, she hasn't worn that particular coat for a month or so... She tells me this and says, "I want your first thought on this necklace, okay?" She then turns to Amanda and asks her to get it.
As my sister fetches it, I turn to my mother and say, "No matter what I'm going to say it's bad, it's hideous. Prepare yourself."
Amanda comes back with a white, kind of neck choker necklace that has rainbow colors every few white pieces. I laugh, saying, "This looks like you got it at a gay pride parade."
My mother laughs, "You know, Amanda didn't bother to tell me that Gage or Corey had worn my coat and they might have stuck it in there."
Mystery solved because those two boys are gay together.

I just found Alien Ant Farm's song "Glow."
When I was 17-years-old this was the shit to sing to, in English.

So, I am very excited to take a bath in my freshly scrubbed bathtub. Is it sad that I look forward to that?

And my sister is fucking excited she bought a house on Skyrim. I feel as if that game will cheapen the real experience.