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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Chocolate Chip Cookies and Such Things

So, I haven't been blogging much and I'm going to blame the universe for keeping me so busy. Besides, it's not like strangers read this and feel like they're missing out on some Kentucky chick's life. No. My friends like to stalk me which I like to support 100%. Maybe I just like attention -- who knows.

First things first, I attended my FIRST EVER Super Bowl Party. It was at Jaccob's brother's house. Trust me, I was not amused the entire time. I really don't get football. Not understanding it is one way, another way is that I'm bored out of my mind and begin making stories. Like the sacred man with ball is sacrificing himself for his people. 
Too bad, right?

But, Jaccob has a niece and I amused myself with her by making funny sounds.

She was a quick booger though. She's not photogenic.

And although Jaccob and I hardly told anyone before we took action, I decided to make one permanently and in fell swoop so one might have all their questions answered here. You know, like an F.A.Q.
Jaccob and I moved in together. I still stay a night or so a week with my mom, but we live together now. Surprising, I know.
I moved in a couple of weeks ago. Well, barely two weeks ago. I have my own side of the room and he does too. The only awful part is keeping up with laundry because his brother lives with us, too. Well, I live with them technically. 
Oh, and food. I do the cooking and cleaning and grocery shopping. I'm sorry, ladies, please judge me later.
They eat like they've only had prosthetic food. 

By request from Alan, I made Scotty a Tardis cake for his birthday. It cracked in the middle during transportation. I told everyone it was the time crack eating away at the memory of the cake. Everyone believed me. THE FOOLS.

 Jaccob did hang up my painting. And I hung up my pig calendar right beside it (which the amazing Fallon bought me as a surprise). Which I've moved it since this pic was taken. It's above my "dresser."

 Fuck the alignment on these pictures. It wouldn't me do it in a way that actually makes sense.
The other night Jaccob let me draw on his toes. So I did. I giggled the entire time. Looking back, I'm grossing myself out. I was not sober.

But moving out is encouraging. However, my food, dishes, and laundry does not magically replenish itself anymore. If I have time outside of homework I'm doing that. If not, I'm with Jaccob. If not, I'm ignoring life and just getting my groove back.
Which takes two tries for Stella.
She just can't get the hang of it apparently.

Now I have to fold laundry. I will come back and talk more about my Archeology major. It's going well thus far.

P.S. - Another thing I truly, really, honestly miss aside from Mom and Amanda is my cat. My God I fucking miss that furry beast. Like a child I miss him.