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Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Ugh, I am forcing myself to stay awake even as I type this.
My eyes keep drooping and my typing is dragging; I have to look at the keyboard!

Today my sister and me went to the Wal*Mart.
Wal*Mart is like an international festival.
Standing in line I spotted three different nationalities.
Oh well, it wasn't busy today so it was an enjoyable day.
Unless, of course, you count my sleeping 'habit' which drives me insane.

I went to bed at 6PM, woke at 9PM stayed up until 3AM and woke again at 10AM.
Maybe I'm unconsciously wanting to be like Dracula.
Although, Jonathon spotted Dracula during the day as he and Mina strolled down the street... Which, it didn't make sense to me so I'm going to reread that journal entry of hers. Maybe I missed something in-between drifting in and out of consciousness.

I worked on an AWESOME short story involving a mermaid (which is strange since I hardly ever, ever, ever like fantasy). No details for it is still in the works and I will probably go through five more drafts before finally finished. Maybe more. Depends.
On my friend's requested story, I went through seven drafts and decided to follow through with the third. Hahaha.
I wanted to work on that tonight, but there's a storm strolling in and I cannot have my computer on at that time. I don't own a surge protector and usually our electricity clicks on and off... Damn trees .


guuiiittarrr solooo

new layout.
I'm definitely going to change the color scheme soon. How soon? Dunno. These colours are definitely wayyyy too soft for me.

Tonight, Aqua Teen Hunger Force is poking fun at Saw. For once, it's funny.
Actually this show is one of my favourite shows. Hahah. They even advertised their crappy movie.
It was a very HORRIBLE movie.

I hate, hate, hate that I have an adorable, awesome idea for a story, but nothing comes out of me besides crap.

I wanna see Pineapple Express.
It actually looks funny.
Of course, that definitely doesn't mean it is.

Has anyone, ANYONE, noticed how popular the genre ROCK is?
I mean, I think it's rocking (muahaha) the crap out of Hip Hop which was EVERYWHERE.
Well, thank you Guitar Hero, thank you.

I keep forgetting to go run in the morning.
it's a hard, HARD, habit to begin.

Nothing special today.
Just television.

Dracula is one fuckin' fantastic book!!
And I hate vampire stories!

Monday, July 28, 2008

I love me doggy.

My dog, Molly, gets a treat whenever she speaks on command. So, when
I played with her earlier she randomly started barking. Finally,
after a minute I got her to stop... Then, by hand she excitedly led me
to the fridge; shifting her gaze from the machine to me, wagging her
tail. I love that dog.

PS-she did get a hotdog :)

Sent from my iPhone


I can never, ever, ever find a suitable layout for myself.
I'm constantly shifting from one to another.
I think I have commitment problems.

I went to bed yesterday around 8PM so I could maybe sleep a full 8-hour shift.
I woke four hours later believing it to be maybe 3AM... What a disappointment when I glimpsed at my clock and saw it was only 11PM. I literally almost screamed out in frustration.
So now it's 5AM and I'm getting sleepy again.
No, not you Johnny Depp.

I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored.

You, hey, the one in the leopard coat.
Niice. I wanna kiss ya.

Life Alert!

I hate the Lift Alert commercial, geez.
Almost as bad as male enhancement commercials. All those except the one with Bob. Enzyte, I believe.
Money Talks still makes me happy. I love that fuckin' song.
Moving on.
The real reason I thought of this entry was because I've been searching for some Platic Tree fanfiction, and, in truth, I figured out I can't find a single one that's good enough. It seems like to have Plastic Tree fanfiction, I'll have to write it myself. No, no I'm not being egotistical about my OWN writing... But you have to see that most of fanfiction these days suck and don't fall out of the genre of goopy romance. Ugh.
I love Queer As Folk.
Hootttt gay guys making out?
Nothing better.
But I do have to sit through goopy romance just like fanfiction.

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dark Night

Besides being an exceptional movie, with a bad ending and a plate missing of stereotypical criminals, The Dark Night IS the best superhero movie, the best Batman movie ever made.
Too bad Heath is dead, this movie would have broke the dam on his teen movie career and flooded his city with new opportunities which would permanetly waterlog the ancient buildings.
The top three reasons to see this movie (no particular order):
1 - The criminals were not predictable. This movie did not chip off that old plate of stereotypical criminals, instead it birthed a new creation.
2 - The twists and turns were actually twists and turns. Even I, the movie critiquing queen, could not predict most of those curve balls.
3 - The simple evil covering Mr. Ledger's face as a mask did it for me. His simple mannerisms and tactics irked me and gave my unneeded approval for being more evil than Hannibal.

The Joker lives again.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


My sister and I were talking about really, really gay yaoi series and she made a point:
Sister:  I hate yaois where everyone is gay.  I mean, how do they reproduce?
Me:  Stork.
Sister:  And, what's the big deal about being gay then?  Everyone else is, it's like a big, gay happy family.
love <3

to the rim with suck.

I think I get addicted to things too easily--especially pills.
For the past three days, I've been taking two 800mg ibuprofen pills twice a day.
Today I have this massive headache and nausea so bad I have to lay down and keep swallowing in case vomit escapes from my mouth, or tries to.
This blows.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sing, Sing, Sing!

The movie itself sucked and had an awful plot to it, but oh my god! I believe Tim Curry is possibly my new heart throb.
I am happy that I never watched this before. I am sad I never watched Tim Curry's legs. Could they be any more fantastic?
I swear, if I worked on that movie set, I would fucked him well.

I need to organize my bundles of paper. Everything I ever wrote on paper is bundled in one big pile on my shelf. I think I have a picture somewhere, lemme see.

Geesh... I'm not even sure how I want to organize it.

Dammit, I'm hungry.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I hate nights like this one

I just can't sleep! For the past week I just lay awake, thinking.
Nothing ever good is on at this hour.

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Today is a mark in history!  A tattoo settles in on my back as we read.
It's immediately above my shoulder blades, slightly off-center so it wouldn't touch my spine.
It takes the appearance of a stroked Hiragana いち and in deep, dark red.
Once it heals, I'll pic it.
ps - it hurt and burned afterward.

Waiting and tormenting

So, the little excerpt from the beginning of the story I'm writing for a friend... I changed it twice since then and am still trying to get the flow, trying to get into the story. Alas everything I write is stupid and doesn't make sense. The dialogue is all wrong, the details are confusing and it all sounds dumb-downed from what I know I can write (coughthepirate'sgamecough).
This story is driving me insane, but I need to write it, since I already promised her by mid-September I would have it finished. Damn deadlines.

'The Jungle' is still a boring book to me. I'm trying to get through it so I can read, 'The Basic Eight' by Daniel Handler next. I ordered it off Four dollars cheaper than anywhere else since I don't feel like wasting gas money and all that jazz to buy a 13-dollar book from Barnes and Noble.

I have my heart set on a new laptop. I'm thinking of going MAC, but what I remember from my High School days where all they had were cheap ones, I'm not quite so sure I wanna venture there.
So, I may go PC.
Then, I have my heart set on KH 2 Final Mix.
Kingdom Hearts captures my heart over and over and over...
Some fat boy is enjoying it over some bag of pretzels.

Monday, July 14, 2008

woo hoo!

I totally redid my book list, so take a glimpse at it?
A friend, a month and something ago requested that I would write a story for her, the main characters being the characters she made up.  So, I'm stuck.  After five beginnings, I have wrote one I really like.  Alas, I'm stuck because there's so many different ways I can stem from it:

It's like taking too big of a step and feeling the plummet of nothing in your stomach. That first mission, the first kill which soaks your mind for years to come. The way they fall, slamming their lifeless body on the floor, gasping, eyes pleading with us to stop. Adrenaline always has better plans and always presses on long after the mission succeeded. Heart racing your breath, the sweat dripping down your chin and the discreet smile the mission never fails to spot right before darkness drapes over their eyes is the definition of adrenaline.

In the distance, a car's rumble would be too loud, too close for comfort. And, sometimes, a siren's screech passes through the back roads or the city or the neighborhood. For those moments of silence, of the only sound is the mission's whimpers, we must decide how to end the fun, how to close the drapes over the bright window.

"Please," she pleads, "please."


It's really troublesome since I love this beginning so much and I can't do it justice with what I have.  HELP.  Well, I just wanted to ramble about it really, so haha?


ELLEGARDEN IS TOTALLY GOING ON HIATUS/BREAKING UP.  I'm hearing both and that is the tragic news this week :(  Oh well.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Today I helped out Donita's (the country Diner I used to work as a waitress for) and made 80 bucks in tip (pretty damn good). So, I guess working on a Sunday has its perks.
Alas, I'm so painfully sore. My ankles, feet and legs hurt like shitttt.

I'm reading "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair and I have one question, "What the hell kind of names are those for characters?!" He couldn't possible make something a little bit easier for average minds instead of his Einstein one? Geez, I can hardly remember any of them, at all. I don't feel like writing them all down, ahhh!

We had a HELL of a storm last night.
The wind was so strong, it tossed the wooden swing holder (150lbs) a foot from where it planted itself, alas when the wind tossed the thing, it knocked out our satellite dish. To top it all off, we don't even have HD channels! What's the point of living?! Haha.

Vroom vroom.

I forgot what I was going to say :(

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Has anyone ever seen their parent(s) do something so horrific, so
embarrassing that to block the memory is the hardest thing one will
have to do?

I am now experincing this and let me tell you, I am horrified and
embarrassed. It's very awkward here and if I can't talk about this
with someone, I'm going to burst!

I wish my phone had some type of messenger :(

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, July 11, 2008


I watched HANCOCK and I have no idea what to think about it.
I hate that its main theme is Romance (I am so sick of that genre it's unreal).
The only real funny jokes were where he was hurting people. That's about it.
I still don't know what to think about the movie.

I'm sure we all heard of the book Howl's Moving Castle? Well, there's a sequel, Castle in the Air. Don't get excited. It's set in this Agrabah (Sp?) type setting and I'm expecting any minute now a guy, specifically named Aladdin, to jump out and start singing that Street Rat song.
It even has a magic carpet, genie and something that stole this so-called beautiful girl which the main character calls Flower-in-the-night.
I love Ms. Jones writing, absolutely ADORE IT, butttttt... This is a downer on her and I don't think I can read much from her (not because she's a young teen author, haha) after this book... Ugh, it's THAT BAD.

I'm attempting to finish my list of non-Mary Shelley novels so I can blissfully read her novels.
I love that woman.

I forgot to date my transactions in my Balance Book... So, guess what I'm doing with, around, one-hundred receipts? Haha.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


That movie is the funniest one I've seen all year.  Funny from beginning to end.  Alas, if you're an avid, hardcore fan of the original Get Smart TV series and movie, you're going to go in and out with a sourpuss attitude.
Steve Carell is AWESOME <3333


I hate when my mom is PMSing.
She's just AHHHHHHHing at me allllll day.

Finished Chapter 3 on DEG VS LTFAW and let me say, it's very funny, whimsical and mysterious.
Ah, the good o' days.

In other news, I cannot believe マキシマム ザ ホルモン released a single!
When I get home later I'm so listening to it, haha.
Really, I'm excited.

Monday, July 7, 2008

So I did finish the book 'all over but the shoutin'.' Fantastic read
although I think Mr Bragg whined some, haha. I have met that giant in
person and he's a gentle one :)

Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, July 6, 2008


I've bought a fashion magazine, haha. Well, it had Anne Hathaway on the cover so it's like it was calling my name. Anyway, why do all the good clothes cost hundreds of dollars? I now want a 600 dollar dress. Shit, I can't even make that in a week--especially since I don't have a job ;D And the shoes, please don't get me started--it's a sad ending.

My dream(s) last night were fuckin' awesome.
Do any of you watch Split Ends? Well, they had on an episode last night with this Asian hottie named Chris Do who works in Houston. THAT GUY IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE RIGHT NOW. Although I hated his bleached-blond hair and I'm almost positive he's gay, I want him--I need him like a girl needs an absorbent pad during those monthly visits.
Anyway, he was in my dream last night ;D Although nothing happened (damn it).. It's the point he has no idea I exist and am dreaming about him all night ;D

I'm going to go finish a book (All over but the shoutin' -- Rick Bragg) so, toodles.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


I forgot to mention I finished The Teahouse Fire.
Never read, please.


Yes, I mentioned I was going to be a waitress again under some strange law. Alas, as I went to Steak'n'Shake for my first day I had this feeling it would be a doozy. So, as the day progressed I noticed how poorly everything was and how nasty the place was. Needless to say, I quit. What I mean by quit is that I didn't show up for my next scheduled day to work, haha.

I totally bought the shirt from which said, "Politics makes me horny." My mom hates it, but oh well. BUT! My shirt from came in which reads,
Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense

... Most people didn't get it which made me sad. Humanity, I tell you what...

My birthday keeps closing in, omg. A month and ten days I will be 19-years-old. I feel old, man.

From several months on not updating myself with the jrock world, I have been downloading several releases, cataloging new information in a deep recess within my brain. It's not hard, mind you, just time consuming.