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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

♪: Alexandre Kinn - Aude

So, there had been an ice storm passing through my little city and I stayed over at a friend's house until it melted.
It was fun; I had fun.
So, yeah.
I have pics of me, chocolate cookie girl and my car :D

They made no-bake chocolate oatmel cookies and we requested ours gooey, haha. And, so, I was on the computer and suddenly Cricket piped up, "I made a person."


Hahahaha. That's just me being bored out of my wits.


There was a good hefty layer of ice covering all our cars. I had to take pics while Alex and Cricket decided to walk like half a mile to check the road. haha, not really half a mile, but their driveway is LONG.

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