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Monday, March 18, 2013

Three Years And Nothing to Show But This Stuffed Dog

So, on the first of April, yes, the holiday of those fools, I will be working for Target for three years. A toddler's age where self-care is being learned, where they discover bodies, and talk back. In three years I could've raised a functional child.
The HR guy gives out cards each year you've worked there. My card included to redeem a gift online. I did.
I chose this piece of hot ass in the sweater vest.
I almost chose the suit and tie one because I could play Suit & Tie by Justin Timberlake and it be relevant. But this look just gets to me.
I kind of want to invest in this sort of outfit for work to look this amazing. These threads just do it for me.

I'm jamming to Taylor Swift while Jaccob plays with himself in the shower. Now it's Eagle Eye Cherry.

I've had an okay day so far. Of course it's just a couple of hours past midday. Jaccob and I are supposed to go out for ice cream tonight, after another dinner outing. I plan on waking up and cooking him breakfast before he goes to work, shhhhh, he doesn't know about it.

So that entry was earlier.
Now, six hours later, he's playing a game and he's been trying to tell me a story worth one minute into five. Ha.
We had Haru Sushi for dinner. Sushi was amazing, but he had me try the soup appetizer. Burned my tongue worse. And the spicy mayo didn't help matters either. It hurts so bad. I hope I don't get other white sores where it looks like I have HPV in my mouth. How embarrassing, ha ha ha.
Then we hurried to Stackz to cool down our mouths from the spices. I let that cold ass shit just soothe my tongue. I would keep it on there until it was warm liquid. My tongue is hurting again.

Dropped my favorite lighter with the painted face in the bath today. It's dead. Pity me.

Jaccob and I were racing a few days ago. Full on race. Well, he went to pass me and he was so close his shoulder touched mine. I tried to nudge him away, but he was un-nudgeable and I completely skidded onto the concrete with my palms face down. I skinned my elbow through my thick cardigan. And I bruised and skidded up my right knee through my jeans. My right palm was the worst. Tore the skin right off. It kept opening up and bleeding for a couple of days. Now it's, what Jaccob calls, "Dragon skin." Sore to touch and look at. If I worked in food service as a server, then they would ask me to wear gloves.
When I was on the ground, I kept saying, "Ow, it's so painful."
Jaccob was laughing, and was trying to help me up, but the pain.
I said, "Stop touching me! It hurts! Ow! Ow! Stop!"
He kept laughing.
"I'm bleeding!"
"No you're not."
I flashed my right palm at him, "See, I am."
He rolled his eyes when I finally stood and couldn't full stretch out my right leg. I was hobbling. Jaccob then decided to try and pick me up and I was trying to slide my foot faster so I could drag race out of his reach (ha, get it?).

Today, at work, the electricity went off due to the storm. The long-ass storm. About forty-five minutes there were hardly any lights and no one could clock in or out. So, yeah. But I don't know why that's blog-worthy.

I'm going to go finish Stardust now.
Wish me the best reading.

No love,

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