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Saturday, June 21, 2008

I survived...

Has anyone watched I Survived... on bravo? I fuckin' love this show. I love it because...
1 - I get to hear about a woman getting raped EVERY episode. Sometimes they cry :D
2 - I realize how many people fail at slitting someone's throat correctly.
3 - I'm learn from another person's stupid, idiotic mistakes.
4 - Last night, a man chopped off his own arm so he could break free (PUN!) from a burning corn chucker.
5 - I learn how to commit the perfect murder.
God, I love that show.

In other news...
I watched not even 20 minutes of Employee of the Month. It highly disappointed me.
No wonder no one talked about it afterwards, haha.

I'M ALMOST FINISHED WITH THE TEAHOUSE FIRE BY ELLIS AVERY. This books sucks old man ass that I wasn't even prepared to see backing up at me. Her writing style is hard to follow and she's so boring. Who the hell has a tea ceremony has the plot. The only thing that makes the book go on when I hope the main character will bust out masturbating thinking of the lesbian sex she had with Inko. Drives me crazy, I just can't see...
Everyone loves Brittney Spears, c'mon.

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