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Sunday, November 2, 2008


..Beef Jerky is the best.

Halloween was, something.
It was reallyyyyy nice.
Except I think I may have something WRONG with my stomach because I took a HALF shot of Vodka and puked up EVERYTHING I ate that night.
Which, that includes: Burger King's #11, Oreos, Doritos, Chips & Dip, and something else, I can't remember.
But the worst part of all was not being able to flush the toilet. And, when you're high and slightly drunk (I also had a beer.... I'M A LIGHT WEIGHT TO ALCOHOL) about to pass out while standing, trying to flush a stupid toilet is a chore.
So, I'm sorry friend's mom... because, she's the one who found it, haha.
I spent a good hour and a half throwing up that night, all the way through the movie the Labyrinth.

This morning, while slightly out of mind, we watched Fight Club and I realized how dramatic everything is.
Every sentence, line, everything is a dramatic pause.
Watch or read the book and just, after every sentence, say 'Dramatic Pause' and you'll realize what I'm talking about.
Chuck Palahniuk is good, but he's too much of a journalist. Every line is a clue to the book, ever action is a clue to the book and since he's throwing it at you all through the goddamn book, you know the ending before it happens.
Which, totally ruins my fandom of Chuck Palahniuk :/ Basically any journalist.
They have pretty sentences, but I hate dramatic pauses.

I have to shower.

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