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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

♪: l'arc-en-ciel - 死の灰

I did this in eight hours. Upon returning from Crafty Hands I knitted that until I went to bed and miraculously finished. One proud girl right here. I wasn't even rushing, I just lazily knitted for eight hours.
It's for Amanda. She loves it.
So does Erin, a cake girl from work, and gave me money to knit her one.
I'm already in the round and working the garter two and a quarter inches.

Today has been a very good day indeed. I don't know. I slept late (8:30AM), was alone, got a call from a job I put in an application for and have an interview Friday at 230PM.
Casey and me hung out. Ate Japanese.
I am successfully knitting a cable scarf, with little prior knowledge on cables.
My mother didn't like a pair of pants she ordered and they were too small for her so she gave them to me. They 'accentuate my sexy curves.'
I am very energetic today.
Fixed a sock that snugged on something and ripped a little at the cuff.
Had the best time cleaning today. I made a CD and rapped, sang, danced while cleaning.
See? Awesome day.
Last night's dream though dealt with sex, murder and sexy clothes from the early 19th century.

My cousin had a car accident the other day. Here are photos of his purple truck (aka Purple Passion) after the accident.

He had slipped off the road, hit a light post - it broke in half. The truck flipped on its side into a ditch and the light post fell on them and the other half fell on a van in the opposing lane.
No one was injured, but the truck is totaled :(

ps - we all have names for our cars.
I named all of them aside from Randy's late Purple Passion.
Mine is The Red Rover.
My dad's work truck is The Silver Stallion.
My dad's everyday truck is the Bashful Blue.
And Jimmy Dale's truck is The Green Gem.

pss - Me - So, are you feeling better? Vomit anymore?
Mom - Nope. Btw, could you pick me up a snickers with almonds on your way home?
Me - Ew, did you vomit that up last night?
Mom - Noooo, Heatherrrr.
Me - Oh, okay, because that would be rough coming back up.
*ladies at Crafty Hands all turn to me with a wtf expression*

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