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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

There's Hopping and Bars

First off, let me say how horrible I am in the visual arts. I am just really crappy with a paint brush, or any utensil used to recreate an image. But, Jaccob and I were talking. I said I wanted to paint him a picture. He said he would hang it. Yeah, girls, I know, sweet. Whatever. But I did. This is what I did. 
THREE hours and two dirty hands later this came about.

She didn't like the bunny ears.
Alura had a 31st birthday part last weekend. It was fun. Seriously.
I went to my first bars.
Yes, twenty-three-years-old and never went to a bar within itself. And I did. Had my hand stamped and everything.
Saw Alan drunk. That was fun. Slurring his words and him just yelling, "FUCK YEAH."
Todd drove through his yard to get out of the driveway and got it stuck. It's still there. In the middle of his backyard. Alura was worried how trashy they'd look.
I saw some co-workers drunk. Really drunk.
I had to pee so bad and I was not, I repeat, was not using it at the bars. I ran inside the house. And I'm surprised this o' gal didn't get a bladder infection.
As Jaccob and I were leaving, they asked why, and I replied, "Because if he wants to have sex before I fall asleep then we have to leave now."
They hugged me and said how much they loved me for saying that.

What else has happened?
Got me hair did. Cut like four to five inches off my hair. A woman said it looked "mature." I like that.
I was in the Liquor Barn parking lot.
That's before I bought your Birthday present, Fallon.

She had too much catnip. 


  1. Ah, the perks of having a friend who bartends (pretty sure that's not a real verb). I was already drunk before you guys even got there, lol.

  2. Oh my lord, that cat is so cute :) And yaaaay for my Birthday present :)
