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Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Ugh, I am forcing myself to stay awake even as I type this.
My eyes keep drooping and my typing is dragging; I have to look at the keyboard!

Today my sister and me went to the Wal*Mart.
Wal*Mart is like an international festival.
Standing in line I spotted three different nationalities.
Oh well, it wasn't busy today so it was an enjoyable day.
Unless, of course, you count my sleeping 'habit' which drives me insane.

I went to bed at 6PM, woke at 9PM stayed up until 3AM and woke again at 10AM.
Maybe I'm unconsciously wanting to be like Dracula.
Although, Jonathon spotted Dracula during the day as he and Mina strolled down the street... Which, it didn't make sense to me so I'm going to reread that journal entry of hers. Maybe I missed something in-between drifting in and out of consciousness.

I worked on an AWESOME short story involving a mermaid (which is strange since I hardly ever, ever, ever like fantasy). No details for it is still in the works and I will probably go through five more drafts before finally finished. Maybe more. Depends.
On my friend's requested story, I went through seven drafts and decided to follow through with the third. Hahaha.
I wanted to work on that tonight, but there's a storm strolling in and I cannot have my computer on at that time. I don't own a surge protector and usually our electricity clicks on and off... Damn trees .


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