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Saturday, February 25, 2012

that was amusing.

My sister has two friends over. They are all playing Battle Field 3. What's amusing is they've never played. Cory, one friend, was driving a jeep until something disabled it. He then starts running away and comes across this giant bulldozer and wonders if he can drive it.
Cory - I will be unstoppable!
Amanda - Until you hit a wall.

Last night I went to Todd's to work on our (Me and Jake's) gaming characters. Eventually Todd realized that he will be working on mine because I'm lazy and don't really want to understand all of it right now. That's right. NOT RIGHT NOW. Besides, Todd, if I didn't want to do it, don't you think I would tell you?
So, we played an awesome game - it's apparently similar to Balderdash. Fuck, I forgot the name, but it was fun. I kept my little stories with the words because it makes me laugh thinking about, "His espouse."
Hahaha, "Heather, it's a verb."

"The man felt something funny in his edifice. It was purloin, portend, and attenuate. He called his espouse. She agreed it was purloin, portend, and attenuate - the espouse did."

"The prisoner was afoot, not affable in his surroundings. He arrogated the gates and was happy about his enmity. He was not happy with being successfully abrogated - he was shocked."

"The bourgeois man, the alchemist, served an usurp position. The usurp position was the debility to efface his boss with his super genius. The alchemist won with this bourgeois."

Some of those I actually got right. Todd, after the third, brought in scattergories and some awesome game with naming different figures of history with clues. Forgot its name too. He said, "Time to play something less pretentious." I am only good with anything authors and even then I failed.
"An American author."
Sometimes I feel like the giant sore. Haha. I know nothing useful. But, fuck, if you want to know about how to knit a sweater, I'm there.

Aw, my sister's other friend came to say hi, the third one. How sweet. I also asked her to press from Amanda where my sister would like to spend the night out on her 19th b-day. We'll see how my surprise works, haha.

Anyway. I have to write an essay. I miss the days of bullshitting; it's an art.

1 comment:

  1. As an artist I can honestly say bullshitting is the cause of great art.
