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Thursday, February 16, 2012

why is ass play so popular?

It has been a boring couple of days. I cannot describe how uneventful life is or how extraordinarily awesome it is. I just wish I wasn't in school so I could read outside or some shit while it's pretty. I was sitting so long today, typing out a study guide, that my ass went numb. Let me repeat: My. Ass. Went. Numb. I took a shower and all that jazz just to feel it again. Alas, it's getting numb again because I have to awkwardly sit in my computer chair while my cat is all fucking cozy behind me, cleaning his paws.
I wanted to make a "paw" pun, but couldn't think of one. Sad.

Marina and I had lunch yesterday. I was talking about something personal, with my back against a couple. Well, in the middle of my sentence Marina stops looking at me and gives this angry look toward the side. She stops and says, "Continue."
I mouth, "Was that old bitch looking back?"
Marina nodded.
I continued, and Marina had to repeat that stare two or three more times.
That old woman would have had to turn all the way around to meet Marina's eyes. Seriously, what the fuck. However, why didn't I turn all the way around and join THEIR boring conversation about the wait staff. Haha, now that I think about it, I should have, it would've been fucking hilarious.

We tried on hats.

That one is personally my favorite.

Then Marina found this thing. It's hilarious. And it looks so natural on her too.

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