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Friday, January 23, 2009

♪: joss stone - what were we thinking

(Cricket's Surprised Face)

There are just a few things I'd like to remember:

Sitting on a bench, we, Cricket and I, started talking about that 70s show and how the angles favour to those on acid. And, that started the conversation about getting high in a circle on that show.
Cricket said, "If it were just me and you, we'd be a line."
I cracked up. "Even if we just had one more person it would be a triangle."
She chuckled, "We need a mass number of people to make a circle."
"We need," I started, "at least six more. Justin, Alex, her brother and me and you."
"Alex and her brother will just start making out."
"Hahahaha, then we'll be an octagon."
So, we started out with That 70s Show and it ended with our 'friend' making out with her brother.
(That, of course, was NOT a word-by-word replay, but pretty damn close.)

An Asian man walks by, headphones in, Asian haircut, backpack, and the pants that cuff around the ankle and stop with his little tennis shoes. And, I'm totally enthralled in this man passing by below because he's the most Asian man who walked on a college campus.
"Yell out Gackt and see if he looks over." Cricket asked me.
I raised my voice slightly and said, "Gackt! Oh, he's wearing headphones." I pause and really take a look at him. "He's really, really Asian. He's probably the biggest Asian I've seen (and I describe what I did at the beginning of this story)."
"What do you think he's listening to? Rap?" Cricket asked.
"Um, Asian hip-hop if anything." And I laugh.

Sitting on that bench for nearly half an hour was the best thing ever. Ever. It was so beautiful today.

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