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Monday, May 14, 2012


Todd and I, outside of the gaming atmosphere, have been arguing about the "death" of House, the antagonist of the game. Well, it's actually one-sided because he listens to me raving about it and either shakes his head or just says, "Okay." I say he's not dead because it's halfway in the game and I thought it was weird. It's tying in nicely (I'm impressed, Todd-ster) but I knew something else had to happen.
Today, this happened:
Todd - Want a hint about the game?
Me - Oh, that he's still alive?
Todd - No, he got shot in the face. He's dead.
Somehow, this tickled me. It was in such a matter-of-fact tone.
Todd, I do want to write up some of the scenes of the game - especially last night's with the bar talk.

My mother left their work legal pad out with a pen just lying on top of it. What is a girl to do but write a line of a song, then decide that wasn't good enough and write a primary poem:
Leave my girly handwriting alone.
My mom saw it as she passed, raised her head to me and said, "Really Heather?"

I'm thinking of drinking tonight - let's hope my stomach allows me to. I am tired of vomiting and having to take acid pills but boredom overrides health most days.

I'm going to eat and then read.
I am so cool I should wear sunglasses at night.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting poem there Heather :P Watch the drinking dear!
