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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Coupon Hell

This is my mother's infamous stockpile that actually hinders me from inviting people over. Usually, if I do, people just stop and gawk and love to assume everything. So, I just invite people I'm really close to over and just leave it at that. That's not many, folks.

My mother began couponing over a year ago, in April.

She loved it.

I think that is short, sweet, and to the point.

I wish I had the counts on all our items but it would take way too long for me to care. I mean, she's not an extreme couponer or anything, she just does it every Sunday to get what she wants, despite us being oversupplied. It's the thrill of the deal.

So, today, I got my teeth cleaned. My dentist wished me an early birthday (it's next Monday... the 13th. I demanded my birthday cheesecake early, ha). Then I went to Fallon's work place and hung out a bit. She told me something funny:
Her and Arwen (her dog) were walking up and down her driveway when a bunny hopped out from her neighbor's house. Arwen, of course, went for it, and Fallon said she was going, "ESCAPE, BUNNY, ESCAPEEE!"
Maybe it's funnier if you were there to hear her voice sharpen and her hands doing their jazzy dance.

Then I went to my work place to wait on Jake to get there for his orientation so I could give him his hat.
We stood there talking for a bit and he made some poop joke.
I said that I was in the bathroom with two women shitting simultaneously. 
He asked, "Really? Did they give each other a high-five over the stalls?"
I laughed louder than was necessary on that one, but the mental image, guys, was hilarious.

Played Coldstream on L4D2 last night with Alan, Scotty, Jake, and some dude.
The one dude was the tank in versus. Next thing I know, he's saying, "BOULDERRR," and starts rolling this huge fucking boulder toward the survivors. He kept repeating the noun as he was rolling it.
I wish I hadn't of had a shitty day to enjoy playing longer.

I was playing and I said, "Fuck!" sharply as my mother walked in the room.
"Heather!" she exclaimed.
"Well, mom, don't walk into the room if you don't want to hear it."

Ha. I have Eye of the Tiger playing and as my sister came in earshot, she started doing this upper-body jig as she walked into her room. I don't even think she noticed.

Welp, I'm out of ideas and no more quarters left.


  1. Wow, that was a lot of stuff. :P Escape bunny!!!

  2. I Lold at you telling your mom not to walk into the room if she didn't wanna hear it. One of the few things I could make out over the headset in the kitchen. Loss of signal quality sucks bout the time you get to my fridge...

    Who's your favorite kingdom hearts character?

  3. I don't want my readers to think I never read my comments.
    Alan, I loved Riku. He was my man.
