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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ichibutt's Vacation

(Uh, was anyone reminded of Christmas Vacation with the title? "Did you hear that, honey? The shitter is full." <-- best line in the movie.)

So, I go to the operator's station to get some equipment and I happen to look down. I just glanced is all and begin to sign out my shit and I stop and look down again. Yup, the tardis just drawn. I don't know who did it, but it's funny.
High five, fellow team member, high five.

Friday, Gail and I worked together. Took me forever to make it back to where we work in the office, but when I did, I found this little box with the little figurine inside:
(You can see how much of an amateur I am with photos - my shadow in there and all.)
 I went and hugged her. Found her and hugged her.

I cancelled with Alura and felt awful. (PMS)

Work Saturday went really well, until I had to clean up an entire bottle of chocolate milk that had spilled all over the place while SIMULTANEOUSLY doing back-ups and helping guests. It was awful. Got sticky, oh yeah. Anyway.

I cancelled with Alan and I felt awful. (PMS)

But last night I did receive my b-day gift from Alan and I fucking loved it. It was all very thoughtful and thank you again, Alan.
Firstly, ladies and germs, yes, a Batman bag. Keeping it.
Secondly, a fucking RIKU card and he drew it himself (and, not to mention, he used my blog name). I kind of fangirl over it, but that's me and I love it. I'm going to frame it.
Thirdly, look at that fucking mug! I loved that mug when he showed it to me at his apartment. He made it at a ceramics class at WKU. I told him how cool I thought it was and he gave it to me.
Fourthly, the movie. Oh hell yes. I love that movie and he bought it.
Wonderfully done, Alan, wonderfully done.

While at Alan's and we were all gaming with Scotty, I was knitting. A good two hours of knitting.
I wrapped what I had of the scarf around my neck to justify its length. Scotty looked over and asked, "Oh, is it done?"
Alan and me looked over with shocked expressions.
"Yeah, she's only been knitting on it since she's been here."
With a half-scared and half-laughing expression, my hands hovering over it, "Oh God, it just grew here, I don't know what to do with it!"

I am planning an end of summer post that's going to be huge and hold my sassy wit that everyone seems to not notice (I'm an attention whore!). Kidding, folks. But, there will be one and I will make it large and in charge.


  1. Again, glad you liked your present so much :)

    Also, still cracking up over the scarf spawning, fully knit, around your neck, haha. We need to make sure and find a chance to get together and watch a few movies (decided God Bless America was too long for tonight)

  2. Again, glad you liked your present so much :)

    Also, still cracking up over the scarf spawning, fully knit, around your neck, haha. We need to make sure and find a chance to get together and watch a few movies (decided God Bless America was too long for tonight)

  3. Why the hell did that double post? Lol
