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Monday, August 13, 2012

My Big Birthday Post

I know, for a girl who doesn't even believe in celebrating birthdays I sure am talking a lot about mine. That's easy to explain. You see, I like attention. Honestly, though, I like the camaraderie of my fellow man to wish me a happy day, which is strange, because I never used to tell people it was my birthday before. Anywho. I have a small, but vibrant post this evening:

Marina - You excited about your b-day?
Me - No. Twenty-three is a big number -- kids can't count that high.

Got a couple of unique birthday wishes:

And then a shout out to all who wished it:
Marina, Alan, Fallon, Becky, Todd, Jake, Kassandra, Marc, Kathy, Jim, Michael, Brandy, Brianne, (The previous four names were told, not out of their hearts) Janet, Gail, Randy, Mom, Dad, Amanda, Cheryl, Chris, Kyle (little boy, haha), Princess, Molly, Lisa, O'Charleys, Amazon, and I think that's it.

Walked into work. Todd said hi, nothing else. Saw him again and he said my name weirdly and I asked if he had anything to say to me. He said, "I said your name."
I stared blankly at him.
He then gave a long nod, "Ohhhh, Happy Birthday."
So, later, I was sitting on my break with Jake, my hand resting on the half-wall at the food court and all of the sudden I get this card slipped between my fingers. I saw a glimpse of Todd before he walked away.
I opened it, well, after asking, "Why did you go ahead and seal it?":
Thanks, Todd! I really liked it. Deserved a handshake, but I don't know where your hands have been.

Mom - Look, ribbons on hangers. *hiccup*
Me - Is that on pinterest?
Mom - I don't know what pin-interest is. *hiccup*
Me - Pinterest, mom.
Mom - Pin-interest. *hiccup.*
Me - P-interest. It's not pin then interest, it's just interest with a p attached to the front of it.
Mom - So, it's not pin then interest? *hiccup*
Me - No.
Mom - *looks at me then hiccups.*
Me - *Screams in her face.*
Me - Did that work?
Mom - *hiccups.*

My sister and dad were playing Fable together. Well, my sister was tired of yelling the questions so she made him put on headphones and speak like that. Well, she kept laughing and looking over whenever she was talking with him. I asked why she even put the headphones on. I then tried them on. My dad honestly sounds like those 18-year-old douchebags in the gaming world. His voice isn't even deep, it's still at asshole pitch; it's awesome. No wonder no one believes he's 40-something in his games.

Remember in my previous post with the pic of my no-lace converse? Well, this was me taking it:
I didn't know Fallon wanted me apart of her photoshoot. AND, still no dandruff.
Uh, those are also my, "We're spray painting tonight!" pants.

I'm hunnnn-graaaay. So, uh....

ps - Jogged an entire mile without stopping. I could've went longer, actually, but my I would've started getting stitches in my side. I know my comfort levels: I'm jogging and comfy doing so; I'm jogging and my semi-comfy doing so; I'm jogging and my body is screaming, "OMG STOP TRYING TO BE A HERO!" I was closing in on the last one there.


  1. For fair warning, anyone and anything is subject to my photo shoots.

  2. Lol @ Todd's card. That's awesome :)
