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Friday, August 10, 2012

Revelation of The Nerd

<< That's me. See, no dandruff.
I have recently been called a "nerd" on multiple occasions in the past week or so. Shut up, this information is new to me. I have never been called this term before and it is slightly shocking. I honestly just thought everything I did was awesome and cool. Haha. Now I think people don't take me as seriously because I sometimes snort when I laugh. I brought this up to my sister (the nerd thing, not the snorting) and she just blankly looked at me and said, "Yeah, so what? I'm a geek." I always knew that. Man, she loves computers, loves South Park, and wears fucking cosplay shit. Not ashamed, just naming out facts here. I thought my universe fascination, earth fascination, reading, writing, knitting, making cool flash cards, collecting bath ducks, mugs, comics from the Sunday paper, and pigs were cool. Not saying it isn't, but damn. Oh, and button-ups are cool (ha, just loosely quoted Doctor Who).

Anyway, with my little picture up there (^), Scotty and I have been trying to think of funny captions.
He sent, "The writer of The Last Unicorn died today." (Little does he know, I hated that fucking movie.)
I sent, "I told her that her cheesecake wasn't coming today." (Yeah, I got my birthday cheesecake and loved it!)
Sadly, even with my mad skillz, I couldn't think of anything else. I am sad and pathetic today. See my optimism?
EDIT 8/11/13: "I just told Heather that she's a nerd."
(Seems completely obvious now.)

However, Scotty is starting up this collaborating of different artists for a magazine. I love the idea and am part of it, so maybe my opinion is biased. He likes the writing style of this little blog here and yeah. No need to self-gloat. I'm going to write articles. I'm thinking of opinion pieces. The magazine is my oyster.

Met a few good people. Rachel is one of the girls attending and she makes clay figurines. I asked how much for the ninja octopus and now I have a necklace!
That's right, be jealous.

Scotty had another girl who was attending, Rhieanna, on skype. She wasn't paying attention so he just started drawing faces on the board while looking back. He ended up with the middle finger last. ANOTHER BE THERE MOMENT SO FUCK YOU.

EDITTTT: (8/11/12)
Todd said this part seemed rushed (well, along with my entire blog post), so I wanted to elaborate... I will in the exact way I elaborated for Todd:
Rhieanna's attention wasn't entirely focused on the meeting or whatever. She kept muting herself and once got up from her webcam. So, Scotty, while trying to project the group's work on the dry erase, looked back and she put herself on mute and was yelling or something to her mother. So, he then started making sad faces on the board. First, Rhieanna. Second, himself. Third, Tiffany. Finally, when Rhieanna still wasn't noticing, he started drawing the middle finger while looking back at her. That's him finished and looking at the webcam for recognition, which finally came.

This weekend will be busy again:
Saturday - Work, Fallon's where we'll be painting her cabients, sleeping over, and baking.
Sunday - Going to Becky's to celebrate her b-day and I think mine. I don't want to include myself to seem like a selfish bitch.
Monday - I'm doing shit but reading. Fuck the world for one day.

Me - *watches Todd walk up while talking to Janet* Man, Brittany (name changed for the sake of privacy) was all up your ass today.
Todd - *smiles and says something I forgot*
Janet - I would hate to be in your position, Todd.
Me - Yeah, especially since Brittany was in his ass.
Todd then elbowed me.

EDIT 8/11/2050: - Future Heather is still rockin'.


  1. So far up his ass she was getting mail there! Also, you're definitely a nerd.

    PS : that's not a bad thing

    PPS : do you really collect bath ducks?

  2. I do collect them. I only have three: One big one, one small one, and one that's dressed like a pirate. I like silly ones really.

  3. In all honesty, some of the silly ones are kinda funny :)

  4. Walmart has a million of the things. Yay my house!

  5. My overall reaction after seeing your ninja octopus necklace:

    Oh and yeah, you are totally a geek. No questions.

  6. It's true, you are a nerd. I'm one of the ones who have been saying it all week :)

  7. Alan - That's why they're silly.

    NePaul - I saved that picture; it's hilarious. Love that you agree, too.

    Fallon - I want to see if she will make requests. I have a few cartoon characters I want >:) Oh yeah, evil emote.
