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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Field Day

It's a fun field entry this evening, ladies and germs.
The weekend's end is nearly upon us and some shit happened:
Friday - Nothing.
Saturday - Work sucking, then Todd's
Sunday - Gave Fallon her purse at my knitting lessons, finished Jaccob's hat, and got a little closer with the sisters.
Now to write this entry completely backwards:

(See the awesome bobbles???)

Oh me, oh my. It only took me a good three days - and that's finishing one piece of the three piece ensemble over one day. Now, sewing it together took hours because I forgot how AND I suck at sewing. No harm in having no pride in it. She loved it. And I actually can't wait until she goes about wearing it.
I'm fantasizing about someone else's fantasy. 
I realllllly need a life.
BUT, I am jealous of it, haha.

Jaccob's hat! Before you guys ask, no, he didn't want a pom pom. Please shut the jaws because I tried and he really didn't want one. So, instead of the tip being really, really pointy, I made it more round to make up for the lack of said pom pom. I'm sure there's a penis joke in there somewhere.

I really love stocking caps. They take forever to knit though. My upper back was fucking killing me. I knitted the majority of nine hours at Todd's. I really, really, really, wanted to finish it Saturday night... Sadly, I suck. I joked about it, but I was in serious pain. I could've taken aspirin, but then I wouldn't seem badass through this entry.

Then for making him a Megaman Helmet, Scotty drew me this flower with a random circle at the end of the line. I'm still trying to use my imagination, Scotty. I'm thinking wrecking ball. I almost thought of those balls in the pinball machine, but that doesn't make sense in the longer scheme of things. The lines are intricate and I do like it, Scotty. Thank you.

Todd, write it the fuck up. 
Ended with Hex dying and then regenerating and taking the baby that was wrapped in Kyle's bloody jacket. 
Dun dun dun.
I want to say rebirth or something, but I'm not entirely sure how that works.

Oh, ran a 13:40 minute mile, finally. I'm getting there again. I remember the days when I got to a mile and a half without stopping.

I watched 50/50... That movie fucking sucked. It was another cancer movie -- the director creature added NOTHING new. It was just a long cliche. 

Yesterday I was getting off my exit from the interstate. As I'm at the stop sign waiting to turn right, I see the almost passing car slow down and try to merge onto the exit ramp through my open window space. Now, instead of honking or yelling to stop, I merely shake my head no, with my eyes wide. I know they saw me because the person in the passenger seat started laughing and the driver looked at me then the GIANT "WRONG WAY" signs and backed up a little to the main road. Ha. They then chose to drive 40mph which is the exact speed to piss me off in a 55 zone.

Next entry will feature pics of my mom's stock pile. That's right. Stock pile. Fuck with that.


  1. I looooooooooooooooove my purse and I can't wait till I wear it!!! Yay :)

  2. That purse is pretty awesome, and I can see the whole scene with the guy coming onto the wrong ramp in my head and you shaking your head at him. Hilarious! I think when Scotty and I get together to draw later this week I might do a kingdom hearts drawing for my awesome hat as well...

  3. All these hats are really starting to grow on me, I'm going to start anticipating Link's cap from Legend of Zelda soon haha.

    You know, people are just dicks when driving, plain and simple.
