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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Third Time The Charm/Curse

So, the first day of classes was not eventful and it was not exciting.
A stereotypical moment did happen to me while I was waiting on Japanese 101.
This geeky looking dude walked down the hallway, stopped, turned on his heel and faced me. By this time I am trying really hard to focus on my book so he won't talk to me.
He didn't care.
He asked me what I was waiting for and I said the class and he said he had it too. In my head, I was cursing.
He then started talking about what got him interested in Japanese, which was fucking anime like everyone else. Well, mine was Kingdom Hearts and the music from it... So, I always say music.
So, he leaves me alone for a bit and I return to reading. But before I know it, he has his laptop on and interrupts me saying something about this website releasing the english dub of some anime that resembled Powderpuff Girls.
Without asking, he slid his laptop around, sat beside me, and started playing the a very weird anime that did resemble the before-mentioned children's show. It is called Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt.
I had to sit through 15 minutes of it while trying not to seem rude texting some friends (Jaccob, Alan, and Marina).
He said it was two parts after it ended and I said, "Oh, I have to use the bathroom, that's happening."
I really did have to pee and my tampon was leaking, so yeah. He didn't talk to me for the rest of the two hours through. Or sit beside me in class. Thank goodness!

Met a girl wearing a batman lanyard in my bio class - we're friends now.

Now, it's fucking hot. I am not fond of the sun at all and what it causes me. I love winter. Not fall, not spring, but fucking plants all dead, air stinging your lungs kind of shit. It's my healthiest season. Now, summer is Hell on earth for me. I sweat just by looking at the sun.
Today, walking to my Japanese 101 class and boy did I sweat. Just my nature, like I've previously said.
So, I immediately head to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face. Well, come to find out, I sweated right through my button-up. Ha. So I immediately look around and spot those air-hand-dryers that never really work.
I strip off the button-up and push the air button. Nothing. Again. Nothing. I know it's broken but I try again. Nothing.
I curse.
So, then I start to flap my shirt, waving it like a fucking banner. So a girl walks in with me and my tanktop, my skin as pale #FFFFFF color. No, it seriously is, that's why you never see me in really short sleeves.
She does that polite smile and I'm trying not to look obvious. She does her business and this older woman comes and makes the connection with her eyes and does her thing.
They leave while giving once last glance.
I'm still flapping. Then I'm like, "Fuck this," and hide in a bathroom stall (one facing a wall and not the mirrors so people cannot look in).
So, for the next five minutes I'm giving out a flapping sound while people are coming in and out. I hope they were thinking what you guys are thinking.
It does dry, but I smell stale, well, at least to me.

Met a really awesome gay guy majoring in zoology. Oh yeah, he's going to be my friend. Well, don't know if he's gay but his voice sounds completely, you know, but he hasn't done anything that means, "I like boys a lot," yet.

Only three days in.
Not to mention the freak rain on Monday that got me soaked to my car and then had my hair afro out and then had my clothes lay on me in a really weird way.
I looked like fucking Hagar the Horrible. Yes, that makes sense.


  1. So, if I didn't mention that you were awesome before, using the #FFFFFF color clinched it. :p

    Also, lold hard at you in the stall flapping (fapping?). Haha

  2. So, if I didn't mention that you were awesome before, using the #FFFFFF color clinched it. :p

    Also, lold hard at you in the stall flapping (fapping?). Haha

  3. Really? Double my phone double posted here again? Lol

  4. HAHA! I know what #FFFFFF is. How sad and nerdy is that? Anyways, yeah school has been fun for me too. But, it'll get better, and look, you are already making friends!
