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Monday, May 11, 2009

서태지 - 로보트

My Asian obsession has been kicking the bucket; in other words, it's dying. So, I dedicate this week to foreign music and Asians! I'm sure they won't be offended. Haha. It's better to have a happier week than the Pearl Harbor remembrance.

Yesterday I rearranged my entire room. I have several pictures of me in my room, or animals in my room, or how clean my room is, but I'll go ahead and repeat a couple of those past pictures. I chose the theme 'how clean my room is' since my room is now clean thanks to the Feng Shui.


I gave the mini-dresser (what I like to call it since I'm not inclined to the titles of furniture) to my sister and replaced it with three mini-plastic tubs.

I have all three Godfather movies, so I'll be watching them tonight... Along with Gangs of New York (yes, jellyfishopera, I know you like it), and Goodfellas. Trying to buff myself on the whole mafia/gang thing for a story. Need to get in the mood to make a deal I can't refuse.
I didn't think it would work at all, but I said it anyway.


  1. NO FREAKIN WAY! I need to come over and watch it with you because like you I have all three Godfathers, Gangs of New York, but no Goodfellas. Though I have Clockwork Orange which I guess is kind of gang movie (at least the start of it anyways).

    Plus that bed looks good enough to hide a horse head in....I know I'm so romantic.

  2. We could make a day out of it. Eat like Italians, the whole pasta.

    I love Clockwork Orange.

  3. It's a date then and by the time the movies are over we'll be sleeping with the fishes.

    Clockwork Orange is amazing to me, I went as Alex for Halloween last year with a couple of my droogies.

  4. You're amazing. By default we're friends, regardless.


    that's just how metal we are.
