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Thursday, May 28, 2009

♪: tina turner - what's love got to do with it

At the beginning of this month, I attempted to read Sense and Sensibility (Jane Austen) when my mother handed me that damn Agatha Christi mystery, The Mysterious Affair at Style. Of course, two weeks go by before I finished it and then wanted to continue on Sense and Sensibility. Sadly, my sister handed me the funny novel Lamb (Christopher Moore) to read while she was studying for finals and all the little High School things. A week goes by and I was halfway through the novel before me and my sister went out together and bought a few books. I offered to by her a book. She picked The Outsiders (S.E. Hinton). She really, really, really wanted me to read it. I did, that night. I finished it in four hours. Then, I went back to lamb and finished that. (Everyone should read Lamb. If you're religious, it's not insulting at all. He did a WONDERFUL job at putting everything together, making it funny, heartfelt and et cetera. Really, I enjoyed it. Loved and adored it.)
I'm now on War of the Worlds (H.G. Wells). I'll wait on Sense and Sensibility.

I just wanted to say something else, too. I e-mailed this independent magazine a couple of my stories (Red Car, Black Cars and The Pirate's Dream). Of course, they were turned down, I knew they would be. Neither of the stories are really for that type of magazine. I told this girl that and she pressed me to turn in both stories. I was right. Then I realized that she might have just told me to put the stories in because she would like to see me fail, hahahaha. No, really. I write about ten times better than her, so who knows?
Then I saw the magazine, its first issue and realized that I was happy my stuff wasn't published. It looked very childish to me.
Maybe I'm just snobby?

I hope so.

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