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Thursday, May 14, 2009

♪: 宇宙戦隊NOIZ - bad music freaks

Asian Week is still going strong! I'm sorry to say I have been singing and listening to Phil Collins. Hits like, 'In The Air Tonight,' 'Don't You Lose My Number,' and 'One More Night.' Especially 'In The Air Tonight.' Which reminds me, have any of you seen the Hang Over trailer?
The last 30 seconds has to be the funniest. Mike Tyson? C'mon. If you don't smile to it, you're not human. I was with my parents and me and Mom cracked up. Dad chuckled. Then again, he never really was that big of a Phil Collins fan.

My parents were talking about a job they were going to go see tomorrow.
Dad - You know the road beside Peppers?
Mom - Yeah.
Dad - Well, you take that road, to the fence, and before you reach the dead end, you should be able to see a green house and there it is.
Me - Yeah, I like driving down dead ends to see where they lead me.
Mom - *smiles and turns back to Dad*
Dad - *completely ignores me*
*A few seconds later*
Mom - *smile turns to a chuckle, she looks at me (I'm cheesin' it) and starts laughing*
Dad - *Smiles*

Remember this soap?
My parents bought me the lotion and the body wash. Eucalyptus Spearmint. God, I fucking love it.

I suppose every author thinks about what kind of style they would be best out, or fall into it by accident, but I was thinking about what I was good at. I'm not really good at comedy, I like to explain things too expansively. I'm not good at romances (I hate romance). I'm not good at allegories or deep meaning novels. I'm not good at mysteries (hard lesson to learn). I'm not good at biographies. I AM GOOD AT twists and turns - dramas. I can make such drama executed in a mature fashion I don't know what to do with myself. I'm also nice at suspense. So, the last two days, I have come to terms with my calling, I suppose.

Remember, Click it or Ticket!


  1. Same here I'm a drama lover and twist endings are just the Bee's Knees to me. Except when it comes to M. Night. Sham-A-Lot. Every time I see his movies I just...I don't know what to do with myself.

    And haha Hangover is going to be a hilarious movie.

  2. Okay, this is weird. Are you stalking me... Young/Old Man? I say Bee's Knees allllll the time.
    "Well, isn't that just the Bee's Knees!"
    AND a fan of M.Night. C'mon. I adore M.Night.

  3. Young haha I'm only 19 jeez! and I love to say that phrase.

    Eh I loved Lady in the Water, that kind of turned me around on my opinion of him.

  4. ....
    You know, I say jeez all the time, too.
    The whole not-stalking thing isn't looking too good on your part. Then again, you never denied it.

    Right now, drinking tea out of my winnie the pooh mug.

    I did like Lady of the Water. I really did like it. I loved the writer's story in it, 'The Cookbook.'
    Maybe that's because I write? I'm biased.
    'The Village' is my favourite out of all his movies. I still cry at the confession-of-love part, haha.

  5. oh no, I'm not stalking you haha, we just have a lot in common! Which is awesome.

    umm I'm just drinking water out of a orange cup. Yeah I liked the Village but Lady in the Water is my fav of his films
