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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ohh, My Head

Last night, Scotty, Amanda, and I watched The Dark Knight Rises. It was really good. The first one is still better. Simply because I think that they showed more of The Joker's new mayhem, instead of having a montage of a speech. It's all understandable, but there wasn't much shown. They took easy write-ups for things they didn't, and reasonably, wanted to explain.

I love Bane. Not as much as The Joker, but Bane was amazing. He was so big and forbidden. His accent was perfection. Ha, leave it to a girl to romanticize anything.

I don't want to say much more in fear that I might give away some plot points for my other readers.

The movie did give me a hell of a headache -- one that has lasted for over 24-hours now, even with medication. It was just so fucking loud.

Today I've noticed that people no longer smile with my off-moments.
I went to get my oil changed and we all know how they check your lights. I forgot to turn off mine and at the end of it, he said, "You can turn off your lights now."
I laughed and he look very unamused.

At Subway, I mistook turkey for chicken. I worked at a deli, so I just assumed they had sliced chicken. The guy asked, "Which chicken?"
I pointed at the turkey and he asked, "So, you mean the turkey?"
I laughed but he gave the same look as the auto-mechanic.

This was their face:  :|

I'm watching Pride & Prejudice now.
They're at the ball.
Ack, love it.
Mr Darcy steals my little heart that is three sizes too small.

That makes me wish it was snowing.
I miss throwing snowballs at my sister who says at the doorway, "Now, Heather, don't you dare hit me with a snowball!"
Every damn winter too.

I'm going to end this now while I am hopelessly and incandescently in love.


  1. I have yet to see the Dark Knight (but I don't want to and I already know what happens), that being said I know it will be the top of the blockbuster list this summer.

    People tend to have these "WELL maybe if I speak to him about something completely irrelevant to his life he'll find it amusing" moments with me. Those are always a keeper.

    And I haven't seen snow in ages, I should move somewhere with snow and foxes coming out of the bloody ceilings.

  2. Aw, NePaul! The writing is spectacular with The Dark Knight. Sir, c'mon. Of course it will be on the top of the list... What else is really playing? I can't wait for Gatsby to come out this winter. Or The Hobbit (saw the preview, Fallon!).

    People merely just ASSUME I am sweet, innocent, and too nice to say no. Ha.

    We hardly had snow last year. I'm hoping it gets better this year. I want to move to Alaska, or Boston. I'm indecisive.

  3. Haha oh I've heard a few lines from a few previews and what-nots from Comic-Con, the writing does sound good, but I feel like it will fall where PROMETHEUS did where there are fantastic lines (and plenty of read between the line moments) and that's about all it can deliver is some clever quips. Not that it's a bad thing. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOSH did you see the Hobbit video where they show the last few days of filming? It's pretty amazing:

    You can tell that those people truly love their job and have grown as a family.

    HA! You innocent. Nah.

    Weeeeell Alaska does have Polar Bears. Tame one and "Legend of Korra" that son of a bitch into town.

  4. This is me, the writer, NePaul. The first movie's writing was amazing. It flowed, The Joker had good lines, as you say, but the way the story streamlined impressed the hell outta me. Now, the second movie did do what you're accusing it of: the good one-liners. The story had a lot going on, despite its near three hour mark. If they made it into two movies (which would make no sense), it would have been a lot better - they could've focused more on Bane.
    It's like, why do people like Andy Warhol? Yes, he's a big name. I'm sure, before his paintings becoming culturally numb, that he was amazing. Then, now, people like it because the meaning is thrown into their face. Just "This is why you should like it."
    Just like Da Vinci and Van Gogh.
    As an artist, you know it goes deeper than that.

    Oh, even behind the scenes on the DVD, they were all like brothers and sisters - especially when they guys were trying to make each other laugh during their takes.

    Haha, they think I go to church and think of puppy love and all that jazz. Psh. Now, my newfound life, yes I have grown up a bit, but my past is ragged.

    I'd teach my polar bear to hold a coke bottle.

  5. Joker was in the second movie, not the first one. Batman Begins was the first one; Joker was in The Dark Knight.

  6. Yes, but I only count the dark knight since that's the only batman movie I truly liked. Yes, go ahead and roll your eyes, Todd. The others... The penguin always frightened me with his egg-shaped body as a kid. Haha.

  7. Being scared of the the Penguin? As if Danny DeVito alone simply wouldn't be scary.

    From a narrative standpoint, yes, The Dark Knight was amazing and was close to as perfect as a story as one could create with minimal or few flaws, but of course I think, like you said, what makes the Dark Knight so good is simply how much of it runs skin deep. Most movies, or any media for that matter has to spell out scene by scene, word for word, play for play exactly what is happening in the audience which leaves little to the imagination. Personally I believe we live in a time where imagination is dying and children no longer believe in magic or wonder. The scope of the eye is only what the light shows for many people now and it's kind of just saddening to watch. I didn't see the The Dark Knight Rises so I can't really pinpoint if it falls short of it's predecessors.

    And I love anything that has behind the scenes haha, there was suppose to be a scene in District 9 where there was a Prawn walking around with a boom box creating a disturbance oh and that blooper where everyone on the set from Predator 2 where dressed like Predators and dancing with Danny Glover, that was fantastic.

    Haha you my friend are indeed a Krogan.

    I see what you did there.

  8. I know!! (Yes, two exclamation points were needed.) It's hard for me to watch shows nowadays because they're saying exactly what's happening to them, o the exact emotion, to why they're raising their arms. It's maddening. I want to guess. It's supposed to be art, not a street sign. My sister said something about my writing that I adored, "You know, Heather, if you don't know body language, then you'll never know what your characters are feeling."
    It's true. I never just say my character is this -- all through action.

    I used to love watching my "Jrock" back stage. They thrilled me.

    And, Danny DeVito was a new nasty in that movie. The raw fish and the constant slobbering. Uck. Makes me nauseous thinking about it.

    So, the Krogan reference stumped me and I looked it up. Holy shit, the game has an in-depth wiki page for characters. Weird.

  9. Definitely, one of the biggest things about artist (and one of the things that always bothers me when I see it) is when they explain their work. An artist should NEVER have to explain their work. It should be up to the viewer to decide what they see, that's part of what art is. It's okay if your making a point and it's okay that you even make it obvious within your medium, but you should never have to go out and explain your work to an audience unless they ask specifically for your aim. To often I see artist who just right off the bat say "this is that, and that is this". As far as writing goes I ALWAYS love and will he will always be my favorite Arthur, H.P. Lovecraft. He doesn't explain shit to you (minus a few details) and your left to imagine the horror for yourself.

    I had to look up Jrock, I'd imagine that must be a thrill haha.

    You know fish make excellent weapons for slapping or incapacitating people, just saying.

    No joke, I can name very planet from Mass Effect 1 from the top of my head, I LOVE Mass Effect that much. I'm sure you heard about that whole "Red,blue, and green" debate and anger of the fans over the writing and narrative. If you haven't you might want to give it a read, has less to do with the game and more to do with art and companies being held accountable for their work.

  10. Have you ever watched Breaking Bad? There's this scene in season 3 that has Jesse's girlfriend, the artist, discussing a painting of Georgia O'Keeffe's. The entirety of what you just said reminded me of it. They had differing opinions and neither of agreed at the end.

    Haha, please "Jrock" is too broad.
    I listened to Dir en grey (my all-time favorite band. Seriously. Still listen to them. Have been since 2002), Plastic Tree, MUCC, RADWIMPS, and Utada Hikaru (because she makes badass music).

    And, no joke, I've never heard of the rainbow argument.
