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Monday, September 3, 2012

Brother, I mean, Sisterhood

Me - *comes out wearing a towel*
Amanda - Wow, surprised you're wearing a towel.
Me - Why? Because it can finally wrap around me?!
Then we shared a laugh and I dripped my way back into the bathroom to finish brushing my teeth.
I've lost a stone now (yes I waited this long just so I can use the British term 'stone'). And everyone and my scale have noticed but me. I guess I want all or nothing, haha.

On my sister's birthday in April I executed my right to my elder-ism and took the first piece of my sister's cake. She, of course, tried to argue, but I told her I didn't care and that they'll be other birthdays. She was angry, but I forgot I had done that until my birthday and Amanda tried to be me. Didn't work. I always put her in headlocks and give her noogies.
So, today, my sister said, "I'm grabbing the last mini-milky way."
Mom said, "That's okay, I put it in there since Heather ate the last one the other day."
I looked at my sister and nodded with a smile, "That's right."
Amanda squinted, "You know, I would have gotten angry."
Sliding my head side-to-side I said, "I don't care if it's the first piece of cake or the last piece of candy, I'm getting it!"

Jaccob and I were talking about Full Metal Alchemist in the breakroom. 
Me - It's too depressing.
Jaccob - But the story gets better.
Me - yes, but you have the robot brother...
Jaccob - He's a suit of armor.
Me - *pauses* yes, robot brother.
See, this is what happens to me. I used to watch the one based off its own thing (NOT Brotherhood) all the time. This is where my shitty memory comes in: I used to watch the shit out of it. Used some nerd in high school to get the entire series and movie from him all ripped and nice. So I watched the entire thing and realized that the series is completely depressing and I couldn't afford to lose one more tear drop from my eye (name that song!). Alas, my memory makes me look like a fucking idiot. No, seriously, that show made me its little bitch.
I just relayed this conversation to my sister and she wants me to watch Brotherhood because it's more awesome and nothing like what I watched.
Not to mention that I called Hank off Breaking Bad Harry a few times.
Maybe I just need to care more?

So me and my sister were talking about obsessions and I brought up to her that I had to stop playing Kingdom Hearts because my obsession got completely out of control. Now, I say this with a list of course...
1. I memorized scenes for fun... The scene with Riku 2 and Sora coming in and finding the comatose Kairi on the floor. He runs up to her and holds her head while saying, "Kairi, Kairi, open your eyes!"
"It's no use, she has lost her heart, she cannot wake up."
2. I saved on different numbers just to watch the scenes.
3. I've started and finished the game like ten times.
4. I downloaded as many fanvideos as possible (the old one with Easier to Run with the ending scene).
5. Shirts and more shirts. Got made fun of a lot.
6. Would title all my school papers with the katakana of Kingdom Hearts. (キングドムハーツ。) <-- I'm right, right?
7. I played Simple and Clean continuously.
8. Hated life because I wasn't a Keyblade Master.
9. Hated life because Riku wasn't real.
10. Never wrote fanfiction of it because I respected it too much.
11. Bought a gameboy advance just to get Chain of Memories...
12. Bought Chain of Memories (again) when it came out on PS2.
13. Memorized all the ages and the HP of some of the bosses.
Yeah, that's all I can remember.
I say this because I think I have to stop myself before I become completely obsessed and repeat my obsessions with something different.

My sister keeps making the troll face at me every time she makes a joke. Not only does she make a troll face, but she'll repeat my name until I look over.

You know guys, I've been trying to find blogs that relate to mine ... No such luck. I'll keep looking for no results. Shows why I never chose a detective for my career field.

Oh my God, Amanda is yelling for me to turn on Brotherhood.

See ya bitches lata.


  1. Every so often, I still rewatch the ending of Kingdom Hearts (the first one) on YouTube. One of my favorite sequences in video game history. Now I wanna play through 1 and 2 again...

    And Amanda is right, go watch some fucking brotherhood.

  2. Sup I'm Riku, just gonna go sulk over here in a corner, you know the dark one where generally sulking is considered a valuable talent to have as well and listen to some mildly depressing music.

  3. Nepaul.... That was really funny. No sarcasm, that was seriously funny.
    I can't help that I had a fictional-crush on him. Psh, he was the smarter one - employing his friends to build a raft and all.
