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Saturday, September 12, 2009

♪: plastic tree - リプレイ

It has been very uneventful.

Yesterday, I was exiting Crafty Hands when I heard this big 'WOOOOOOOO' from the parking lot over. I, of course, looked over toward the sound with my curious face on... It was this guy in a really beat up, old, rusty car. He was looking in my general direction. I laughed and said, "Okkkaaayyyy."
Soon, as I was unlocking my car, he sped through, blasting this rap song while he stuck his entire head out, and one arm, rapping along to that song, fist pumping in the air... to me. My face: :|...:O....:DDDDD

(via e-mail)
Kyle - That sucks. I wish I could generate money. Turn everything I dislike into money.
Me - You know, if everything I hate turned to money, only 5% of the Earth would remain.
Kyle - The rest would be big stacks of money and representations of more money?
Me - I would literally own the world.
Kyle - There would only be a group of people left. You and a whole bunch of Japanese rock bands. Weird.
Me - Hahahaha. They're great for entertainment value. Think about it. Wouldn't you have a glorious time being high and staring at them?
Kyle - I'd be like 'why are we watching wanna-be Japanese women?'
Me - Haha. Who says you wouldn't be money?
Kyle - Psh. No one can hate me. Anyone that does just doesn't have good taste or is pissed and jealous. That's all.
Me - Wow. Your ego.
Kyle - Do you like it?
Me - Like my time of the month.

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