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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

♪: rancid - ruby soho

Not much has happened today aside from kicking it with Kyle.
What we didn't do last week, we did this week.
We had a lot of discussions and arguments, haha... I like to nag at him for no apparent reason.
While we ate Chinese we were watching 28 Days Later.. And I noticed the main character didn't have a harry ass. I asked Kyle if he did, he denied, well, it laid down, but stop talking about ass-hair because that's disgusting.
It was redundant. We were watching a gory movie.
And we played Prototype. Mindless violence is my game and that's EXACTLY what it is. What an awesome game. omg. I am going to use him next week for that game and more Chinese. I'll probably buy next time.
Oh, at the Chinese place, placing an order, there was this awesome cashier. The only white guy, haha. He was pretty cool.
I'm pretty boring, but I wanted to mark this memory. Do you blame me?
Btw, 28 Days Later has so many inconsistencies it bothers me.
I pointed out every single flaw of that movie while watching it with Kyle, haha. I hope I annoyed him.

ps/edit: While I was waiting for Kyle at his mother's in his car, his little sister and the mom's boyfriend were throwing a football back and forth. The girl wasn't watching where she was going and literally ran head first into the car. Hahahahahahaha. Not expecting it, I jerked and thought, "Wtfh?"
Kyle doesn't find it as funny as I do, haha.


  1. Actually as sad as it is, 28 Days later is one of the movies in my movie list and as to add insult to injury I own 28 WEEKS later hahah, Though I think the first was much better than the second, the second one has a bunch of military shit in it and a helicopter that....well kind of plays "Mow-the-Lawn" with a horde of infected.

    As for that game, I haven't had a chance to play however I did play WET the other night and it's amazing! I'm surprised how good it was...I mean it's outdated for today's games, but it's soooo Tarintino influenced you could say it was Kill Bill the game, plus it has some pretty good musical choices.

    Still can't wait for Brutal Legend though. Ozzy for the win!

  2. I love 28 Days Later, but I'm a rough movie critic. It sucks, most times I ruin movies for myself. But, yes, I do like 20 Days Later, woop. One of my faves.
    The second one sucked animal balls. Gross. That was my favourite part - the "mow-the-lawn" with the helicopter. My face literally morphed to :OOOOO!

    Kyle introduces me to these games - can't say I'm game savvy on anything aside from Kingdom Hearts - I love my Kingdom Hearts.
    Prototype's storyline is JUST LIKE Bourne Ultimatum haha, except with badass infections.

  3. Same here, I tend to be a little over critical when it comes to watching movies or playing games. Haha I guess I get that from being an artist.

    Oh how I love to play games from time to time, though online is pretty much trash talking which is hilarious, it's like a episode of Comedy Central's Roast.
