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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

♪: britney spears - if you seek amy

I don't care what you think, Britney's new album is really good. If you like sex, drugs and alcohol lyrics.

The past two nights I've had very dirty dreams. No, perverts, not sex, but literally gore. Blood and gore. The perfect pair. Well, one night was the perfect pair, the other was just sad.

Two days ago the dream had me, my sister, my aunt and some man I didn't know (who was my aunt's bf). We all lived in the deep country and me and my aunt were outside, talking. All of a sudden a coyote was behind me. I stopped, turned around and stared at it. I was slowly backing up, heart racing, when I said, "Lisa, we have to walk inside, very slowly."
"No, Heather, we have to catch them!"
Suddenly, she's going up to the growling coyote and grabs it around its neck. Not even trying with her, I run inside and try to reach the backdoor for my sister - the cries of the pack getting louder and louder - when I see her pinned to the wall by two coyotes, the uncle busy with one of his own.
She glanced up at me before the coyotes jumped on her, another coming out of nowhere. One attached itself to her neck, another to her stomach and another to her hips. I literally watched as she was ripped apart. I saw as she screamed, held up her arms at a faint attempt to protect herself and watched as she slid down the wall, blood and all marking her trail.
Later, after the attacks, they carried her to the back of the truck and I could see where chunks of her were gone.

It was horrible, haha. I couldn't go back to sleep for an hour.

Last night wasn't so gross, but my cousin confided in me she was dying. She wouldn't last for more than a couple more weeks.
Then she wanted to go clubbing with me (hahahahaha) and I said sure, what about her curfew. And, you know, she got caught, because she wasn't as good at sneaking out like I am.
I woke up before she died.


ps - Raw carrots make me salivate.

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