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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

♪: the police - every breath you take

This song is befitting to the post.

I would like to begin my day backawards:

I just returned from swinging with Kyle. That's all we literally did for an hour and a half, swing at the local elementary school's playground. We talked, laughed, giggled and while this happened, at least two, three cars stalked the playground, probably trying to intimidate us out of there because they A) Wanted to do some drugs, B) Wanted to do sex, C) Needed to masculate themselves or D) All of the above. One car, as me and Kyle began our swinging pulled up, suspiciously, then, suddenly, burned out and did a donut before speeding out of the parking lot. Me and Kyle both thought it was cool, but not enough.
Second, that SAME CAR came back, blasting what seemed like 80s pop/rock music. They pulled up, backed up, swung around and stopped. That car sat there for a good 15-20 minutes. I think to try and intimidate us to leave which did not work. Soon, I was swaying to the music, nearly singing along until it finally squealed out of the parking lot.
Thirdly, another car stalked AROUND the playground, twice and finally pulled in at the walking circle thinking it was going to go straight through before it finally realized, hey, I'm fenced in. Morons.
I had to go anyway, curfew. I'm almost fucking 20-YEARS-OLD, less than five miles away from home and I still have a curfew. My dad was angry, that man drives me insane.
But, the point is, this shows how small of a town we are when all teens have to do is make their territory some playground at an elementary school, stalk the local young adults and hopefully get to do a-c and/or D. This is a small town consisting of old people with their walking sticks, yarn, hair-pieces, jitterbug cellphones, a dollar (in change) tip, mowed lawns and the average speed-limit 25 out of 35. They get on my nerves. I never want to be like that when I'm older.

The evening was pretty nice. Walked around said small town, alone, without music and stopped by the train. The said box of sprees was there, still, where me and Jakob found long ago (three, four months ago... Maybe, it's dated on this blog). Then I got the note me and Cricket taped in there before the whole cop incident. No signatures :( Only my sister and her friend. Going in the train, however, was frightening. I got up the steps and suddenly this baby bird darts at me out of fucking nowhere. It lands on the side of my head, then on my arm, and dazedly on the metal part of the walkway. The first thing I think about it, EWWWWW A FUCKING BIRD TOUCHED ME and secondly, OMG, MAMA BIRD, WHERE IS IT? Nothing came at me. But the baby bird ended on the ground, still safe and I got a picture of it. On my new phone.

And, finally, the morning/afternoon where another tornado hit. Right where Casey and her mom were driving. HHAAAAA. Maybe it's the slight comment she made about not caring about mine. AND her mom was driving. I'm not happy she was stuck in it, but I'm happy she had her karma.

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