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Saturday, June 27, 2009

♪: tom jones - it's not unusual

1. Full Name and age: Heather Marie Borders, 19
2. Where do you live? Bah, the second retirement state, Kentucky.
3. What is your house like? Clash. Everything clashes.
4. Single or Taken? One is the loneliest number that you'll ever dooooo.
5. Do you have siblings? One sister.
6. What are your hobbies? Reading, writing and knitting.
7. Where do/did you go to school? Just the silly High School - nothing else.
8. What do you do for a job? Being a beggar a job?

9. Broken a bone? Jammed a finger. It still hurt, okay?
10. Got road rage? Haha, yes. When someone cuts me off.
11. Drank so much you passed out? Hahaha, ohhhhhhhhh. Yes. Alex, "Omg, Cricket, clean it up, it stinks!"
12. Been on a road trip? ...Yes, haha.
13. Skipped class? 24 times in my Senior year, once Junior year.
14. Danced in the rain? Yes ;)
15. Broken someones heart? Yes, haha. We're still friends, though.
16. Been overseas? Nope.
17. Been thrown out of a pub? Not yet.
18. Crashed your car? I've been in a car that has crashed.
19. Played drinking games till you threw up? Never, ew.

20. The day outside? So hot I want to test the saying, "Cook an egg on the sidewalk."
21. What your wearing? Half-pants (I like to call them) and my 2005 Six Flags Frightfest t-shirt, haha.
22. Your group of friends? Each very different.
23. Summer v Winter? Winter.
24. David Bain: Does not have my vote.
25. Drinking hard out? Never again.
26. Being a bad ass? 100% of the time.
27. How you look? I could care less.

28. Choc or vanilla? Milk, ice cream, suckers, candy bars? I like my choc and vanilla to be mixed with ice cream. Other than that, Vanilla.
29. Night clubs or house party? House Parties, but I don't like parties anyway.
30. The other sex with brown or blonde hair? Not blonde. I dislike blonde.
31. The other sex with long or short hair? If a guy has long hair he better take care of it, but, either, I don't care unless he doesn't take care of it, then short.
32. High heels or flats? For me? I wear neither. I don't have clothes to fit either, but, if I had to pick, boots with jeans and high heels with dresses... unless I'm doing the hippie style, then boots.
33. TV or going out? DEFINITELY outside.
34. Peircings or tattoos? Either. Not on me, but someone else is always welcomed.
35. Maccas or BK? Wth is a maccas? BK. I love the commercials.
36. Auckland or Wellington? Don't know?
37. Sushi or fish n chips? Sushi! I dislike fried foods.

38. A crazy thing you've done: I've done a lot of crazy shit... Not really hotdog, mailbox type stuff, but getting high in broad daylight, watching dinner traffic pass is kind of crazy I suppose.
39. Are you a romantic? I hate to admit that's an affirmative.
40. What is your dream date? Nothing stupid like restaurants and beaches, but something like alarms are going off and we're getting arrested.
41. Fav perfume? Ooh, I recently discovered the 'music' scent of Harajuku scene. I LOVE IT SO.
42. Fav song? (I love Spaceman, Jellyfish... LOVE IT). Uh, Ain't that a kick in the head - Dean Martin.
43. Your run in with the cops: I have, on this. It's even in my anniversary post, haha.
44. The drunkest you've ever been was when: Definitely the first time I ever drink... Never, again.
45. Whats next in life for you: Getting a story published - it's harder than you think.
46. What you'd do if you won lotto: Buy my parents a nice place in flordia and buy my mom her fav car ever - mini-cooper, haha.
47. Your thoughts on marriage and kids: Neither. I want kids, but I have this anger problem, haha. Don't want to beat kids, but I don't believe in marriage, really.
48. Your last real date: What? As 'bf/gf'? I never had one, haha. Never cared to...
49. On a Friday night youll be: At home, reading. Like I was last night, ahhhhh.
50. On a Saturday night youll be: #49.
51. How smart were you at school? By grades? Not that smart. By word of mouth, a lot of people thought I was very intelligent. That's what they told me, haha. no one has ever called me stupid?
52. Where you were at the millenium: Petting my dog with my dad and sister watching this Nick thing.
53. You drive a: 1998 Ford Escort.
54. At a dress up party, you'll be wearing: I have an old Steak-n-Shake uniform. More than likely that. Or be a hooker again.
55. Best place to shop is: Electronic Store, muahaaaaa.
56. Will you pick truth or dare: Depends if I'm sober or not.
57. Something embarassing: I adoreee Barbie movies. I have most of them, over half and can recite, word by word, Babrie and the Nutcracker.

58. Who was the last person to text you? Casey.
59. What was the last nice thing you did for someone? Bought a friend some drinks (tea, sillies).
60. What was the last bad thing you did to someone? Got angry, got angry some more and decided I'm through with them until they take responsibility and realize, YOU'RE NOT A FUCKING VICTIM, GODDAMMIT.
61. Are you the 4th hottest in your group of friends? I don't really think I'm cute at all, muahaaaa.
62. Anything you havent told your parents? It'll be easier if I said, 'what they do know.'
63. Have any regrets? Never being able to finish Mary Poppins. I hate that movie.
64. How much money would it take for you to sleep with Oprah Winfrey? Not money, I just want a FREE CAR.
65. Amy Winehouse is: an easy target for Graham Norton.
66. Your celeb crush? Wow, I don't have one.
67. At a party your the person who is: unknown, then known by the end because I'm so wondrously funny? haha.
68. Fav album: Beauty and the Beast Soundtrack, haha. Not joking.
69. Why are you doing this?
70. Who else will do this? No one, bet.


  1. I'm going to have to agree with your post on mine...perhapes we are secretly the same person, but the opposite sex of the other!
