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Monday, July 27, 2009

♪: kelly clarkson - my life would suck without you

I should have wrote this entry two days ago, on the 25/6. Silly me, I'm lazy.

So, Cricket's sister-in-law had a b-day party for her 21st. Her and her family were drinking. They were annoyingly funny. Danny calling Jonny, fat, but not regular fat, he's fat. Danny turning to Jackie and asking, "Do you know the T-virus?"
Me risking my life to go out and get Cricket's chair from the kitchen where we played monopoly. Danny turned around once I was bending down to get the chair. He asked me something, but I don't like talking to drunk people so I just lifted my head, smiled, grabbed the chair and started to back up. Danny and Cricket laughed.
I love monopoly. I had strategy.

They found a certain plant in Cricket's yard.
How fucking insane is that?

The List (revisited!) - New locations added in italics.
Western Kentucky University
Keriaskes (I murdered that spelling) Park
Covington (gazebo, parking lot, swings, and gazebo on golf course)
The Square
Sears parking lot
The park by the free clinic (parking area and picnic area)
Abandoned train caboose
WHILE driving on the square
In front of the small library
Campbell Lane
The bridge on the bypass

Saw an old "friend" at Denny's. She was so nervous it was almost cute. ALMOST.
We colored the kids' menus anddddd ate. YEAHHH.

Not only did we color the kids' menus, but we colored pictures in Cricket's room. It didn't seem like we colored two pictures in a row, but it happened:

Ichi's Corner

(click on me to be bigger!)
the 'TO BE CONTINUED' picture from a couple, last entry/ies ago? Yeah. :D I drew scales.

(click on me to be bigger!)
I think that's all I needed to say.

Cricket's Room

(click on me to be bigger!)
It's EXACTLY what you think.

(click on me to be bigger!)
I was watching her make the monsters on top of the page. And, it was pretty funny.

What else, what else...
I have a new golfball to my collection. Wooplah.

ps - me and kyle, Cricket, had a 100 e-mails put together for the entire night I was with you. Hahahahaha. Seemed like 17.

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