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Monday, July 13, 2009

♪: plastic tree - 梟

Something smells. I think it's me.

I have finished TWO BOOKS since this morning. Remarkable, right?

The Shining - One hell of a book. I fucking love it. Of course, like any mid-length novel, it lagged its first 250-pages, but from that point on it was awesome. It did scare me, a couple of parts with Danny, the boy. I literally glanced behind me, looking back in the the nothingness beyond my door, staring at the red light of the dead DVR. I scared myself but, maybe, Stephen King helped. (if that wasn't corny, let me be struck by lightening!)
Any reader of this book can tell of the thought and the process and the passion to story. I, for one, am now a cult-follower, haha. Never join, phew. If the 70s taught me anything....
I loved it. I'll be raving on about it for a bit now, like I do with anything good I read.

Girl, Interrupted - The book was a jumbled mess, but it worked. Work it girl! She had a style and it made you feel like you were part of the psycho ward, having a mental handicap, hahahahahahaha. No, seriously. She was mature, all the conversations were short sweet, to the point. An easy read to drink a glass of tea to.


Now that I see it before me, I think that should be the new title of the show: I survived, bitches..

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