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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

♪: lm.c - -SORA涙色-

Dreams, dreams and more dreams.

First dream had this stupid/scary feel.
Amanda and I had done something to offend some local 'gang.' Me and her decided that, after a few days, that it was safe to come out of the house since they had been trying to murder us and all. So, in the parking lot of this small, small grocery store owned by two people I had used to work with, I was hurrying to find different groceries. They had a rack of clothing, shelves of canned foods and a refrigerated section for frozen foods.
From the corner of my eye, I noticed one of the guys that were after me. I even noticed two, three of his friends. They had this girl who helped them and she was an employee who kept following me around the store.
Knowing the threat level was in the red, I hurried to my sister who just entered the store and demanded she go hide somewhere as I take care of this (since they had surrounded our car and locked us in).
The guys told the girl to kill me while they did something and she went after me. I ran to go and discover something to help get her through with (a.k.a., murder-which reminds me of Kurushimu, hahahahah, awwww).
Chase, chase, chase.
I found some type of sword and would jab it at her, but, every time I did, it merely scratched her. She KEPT coming at me, and I continued to do so, scratches appearing all over body and face. Then, like God answered my prayers, she backed down. I noticed my sister in the clothes rack and she mouthed, "HURRY!"
I rounded to the backdoor, sword in hand, when they guys huddled in front of me.
I dropped my sword..
I woke up :)

SECOND DREEEAAMMMM. This one freaks me out, haha.
Me, Casey and Cricket were at some woman's house we apparently knew. She had just returned and was arranging bits of her house together again... Meaning, She had a room of her house and would put it back where it belonged. I watched her with disbelieving eyes because she was just so joyful. Then, I went downstairs to join Casey and Cricket.
They were talking with Casey's grandfather - he was making pizzas. He continued to talk about his business and how one employee quit and now he was in search of a part-timer. I said, "Me, I can do it, haha."
"Well, no, honey, you're not what I'm looking for."
Casey chimes in, "You know, having all these jobs looks horrible on your application."
"BLEH." I replied to her, hahahaha.
Then the grandfather's cell phone rings. He answers and there was this HUGE flash and suddenly something slithered out of the cell phone to his brain. A part of the worm-looking creature was wiggling outside the ear. He just stood there, blank-faced. We alllll screamed, including the cheery woman.
Suddenly, these slug/worm creatures was slithering out of the phone. They started to infect the woman and her children. Without a second thought, us three rushed out of the house, to the street where mass mayhem happened. Men, women, children were all running, trampling over each other. Everyone was using their cell phones and most of them were getting infected and, in turn, infecting others.
"We need to get a fucking care," I claim.
"There's one!" Cricket said.
And as soon as we got to the two cars parked, three 'hip' teen girls were crowding inside. We argue with them to get the car from them. All of them with their huge sunglasses, tight neon-whatever colors and thin scarves to match their shoes. Somehow I tricked them to get out of the car so we could rearrange ourselves to ALL fit. They agreed.
As soon as they were out, I asked Casey and Cricket to get in the back.
The complied. I got in the driver's seat. I shut the door in their faces, one girl was on her cell, talking... nothing happened to her and I was wondering why the hell not as I was yelling, "GET OFF THE FUCKING CELL PHONE!"
Then I sped away.
We drove and the farther away we drove, the more normal everyone seemed to be, like it hadn't infected them. Televisions were still on, people were walking around, drive-thrus were working.
Utterly confused, we decided to stop at a motel, seeing how we were driving for a very long time. In the hotel, it was chaos. Frightened people just wanted a room to sleep or protect themselves for the worms that were coming.
The clerks and help would laugh, "Silly, they're not going to hurt us."
And, I woke up.

The second dream was eerily like CELL. OH WELL. Except the no worms, and we could walk around the day time although it wasn't safe, haha.

Last night, I watched the lightening for about ten minutes.
It kicked ass.

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