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Monday, March 30, 2009

♪: sir mix a lot - baby got back

Usually, when it's so boss outside that I can hardly stand how mankind can stay entombed inside their houses and airtight cars, I go to SG and chill. I just sit at Flavor Isle, write, read, watch people as they awkwardly glance at me... You know, the usual. So, as I decide to walk back, I was going to walk with the traffic (right side of the road) because I don't like people being able to stare at me as they're coming up from the road. But, something inside my head told me to stay on the left side (against the traffic).
As I'm walking, coat on, notebook and novel smashed against my chest, some old 80s type car stops and inches beside me as I walk. Curious, I glance over. He's on the right side (with the traffic) and I'm on the left (against), so, there's a lane between us.
"Need a ride?"
I don't answer at first and just shake my head with a smile, "No, thanks." And I continue walking.
He inches forward a bit more. He asks me something that sounds like, "The train." I couldn't hear, too much noise in the background plus my ears are stopped up.
"What?" I stop, turn to him, holding my items tighter.
He opens his mouth to repeat, but he sees there are cars slowing down behind him and cars passing between us and waves it off, rolling up his window.
Officially irked, I take a side road, cross the street and am walking the path to my car when I hear a car slowing down and this, "I asked you what your name was."
In shocked mode that this man had the balls to go down the street, turn around, see that I had crossed into some side street back-road, answer, "Oh, Heather."
He's talking to me through his passenger window, his arm on the steering wheel, showcasing some old looking tattoos (probably got them when he got the car). His hair in some 80s rocked style, crossed between some curly-q or mullet, I'm having a hard time deciding. His black, stretch-top shirt is tucked in some washed out blue jeans. I'm wondering if this is literally some blast from the past.
"Oh, well, nice meeting you."
Shocked, again, I ask, "What?" Not meaning I needed him to repeat himself, actually meaning why in the hell would you say that? You just don't stop and ask obvious underage girls their name and if they need a ride. I was offended.
"Nice to meet you, yeah." He nods his head with a tight smile as if trying to pull off I was the weird one.
"Yeah, you too." And he drives off.
Needless to say, I didn't go anywhere else but my car, haha.

I'm more than likely over-thinking that moment. But, it did irk me. He probably thought I was someone he knew or something, but still. You just don't do that to people.

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